-Chapter 8- Snufkin

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It had been weeks since Jax had left Moomin valley and it was warming up rather quickly. I exited my tent and sat by the river bank. I saw Moomin run in my direction over the grassy hills.

"Snufkin!" He shouted.

"Snufkin, Mama wants us to help gather some mushrooms. Would you like to come along?"

I smiled at the thoughtful gesture.

"Sure Moomin. I'd love to help out."


I followed him back to Moomin house to see all the others inside to grab the baskets Moominmama had set out for us.

"Remember, try to pick as many non poisonous ones as you can. We wouldn't want anyone to get sick."

"Don't worry Moominmamma we'll try our best." Snorkmaiden said.

"Alright run along, just make sure you're back in under 2 hours."

"Okay, bye mama!" Moomin exclaimed before closing the door, then we were off.

On our way to the forest Moomin started up a conversation.

"Do you think Jax is doing well Snufkin?"

"Well yes Moomin, she's going home to her mother. I'm sure she's very happy to see her again." I replied.

"Do you think she'll come back early next year, I'd really like to know her better. I feel like she's so lonely during wintertime." Moomin said sadly.

"Maybe she likes being alone sometimes, but absolutely. She will be coming early next year. First day of autumn to be exact."

"Wait really? That's wonderful!" Moomin said excitedly.

I chuckled.

"I thought you would find it exciting."

When we all finally reached the forest we split into different directions but made sure we weren't too far away from each other. I started to hear some rustling in the trees so I looked up. My brows knitted, and my blood started to simmer.

I saw Stinky in the trees carrying a tin mug. He looked at his reflection on the reflective metal and smiled.

"Hey Stinky, where'd ya get the mug? I need to get a new one because recently an animal stole mine." I lied.

"Oh, this? Yeah I got it, I mean I found it in the forest just lying around. Pretty neat huh?"

"You found it, meaning it got thrown at you and you took it for yourself yes?"

His eyes widened.

"How did you know that? You weren't here! It was winter time you couldn't have known!"

I decided to mess with him a little just to make him a bit on edge.

"You know me Stinky. I could be anywhere, at anytime. Bold of you to assume I even left Moominvalley." I smirked.

"I bet that sent chills up his spine. That'll teach him to mess with travelers coming through here."

"I don't even want this mug anyway. Here take it back." He said throwing it down.

I caught it in my hand, and he jumped to a different branch far away from me. I smirked triumphantly, I looked at the mug closer noticing some dents and scratches from past events.

"Well, Jax is in for a surprise when she comes back."

I heard some footsteps coming towards me, I turned around to see Moomin with a curious look.

"What's with the mug Snufkin?"

"Oh, It's Jax's mug. Stinky was planning something when she passed through here last winter. I have to say, it was an odd choice of defense."

"Defense? You don't mean she hurt him with it?"

"Well, I mean if she did. She was responding to keep herself safe. I feel bad he was the first person she met on the way here, she must have been paranoid until spring."

"Snufkin, you don't think she's afraid of us do you?"

I laughed.

"Of course not Moomin. She thought everyone was lovely, why would she be coming back early if she was afraid of us?" I smiled.

"You do have a point. I hope Stinky doesn't give her anymore trouble when she comes back."

I turned to look up at the tree branches.

"I hope so too, if he does I'll talk some sense into him."

"Look at you being all brave." Moomin said laughing.

I smiled and changed the subject.

"Anyway, how many mushrooms have you gotten?"

He showed me his basket, it was almost filled to the top.

"Nicely done Moomin! How about we find the others? It's getting pretty late."


We started to call out for the others finding them quickly then turned to head to Moomin house.

"Look how many I got Moomin!" Snorkmaiden exclaimed lifting her basket up proudly.

"That's wonderful Snorkmaiden!" Moomin said.

We saw Moominmama sitting outside on the porch knitting something. She noticed us and put her supplies back into her basket and stood up.

"Welcome back, I hope you had fun!"

"I did! It was nice to go mushroom hunting again. I think I even beat Moomin this time." Little My said.

Moomin turned shocked.

"No way! My basket was almost full!"

Moominmama chuckled at their banter.

"Well, we will just have to see how many edible mushrooms you got before you can say who got more than whom. Won't we?"


I hope you enjoyed this part! As always don't forget to comment your thoughts, and maybe some ways I could improve the story for you guys! I know this update went up a little later than usual I promise, once break starts I'll be updating this story more frequently I'm really excited to see how this story turns out and I hope you guys are too! :))


On Opposite Ends. {Snufkin x OC}Where stories live. Discover now