-Chapter 6- Snufkin

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After Jax's performance we all sat down at the dining room table, enjoying Moominmamas homemade stew. All you could hear was the clatter of the silverware until Moomin spoke up.

"So Jax, Do you have any traditions during wintertime? I'd love to know more about it."

She put down her spoon and smiled lightly.

"Well, in my town we have the holiday called Christmas."

I was intrigued to hear more about the holiday, I'd heard about it but I didn't know what they did to celebrate.

"What's Christmas?" Little My asked.

"It's a holiday that children all over the globe enjoy. You put up a tree with bright red and green colored lights, hang up stockings by the fireplace, sing carols, and tell a story that all the children love."
She paused eating another spoonful of stew.

"What's the story about Jax?" Moomin asked.

"It's about a joly old man named Santa Claus, he goes around in a huge sleigh that is flown by reindeer. Giving all the good boys and girls presents, and filling their stockings with sweet treats."

"What about the bad children?" Sniff asked.

"He puts coal in their stocking, so make sure you are good all year."

"I don't believe that! How does he know?" Little My asked.

"He has a naughty and nice list that has all the names of every child on earth. Where your name lies depends on the actions you do."

I smiled slightly, narrowing my eyes toward my half sister.

"You hear that Little My? You have to be good all year or Santa will fill your stocking with coal."

"Oh don't be stupid! I'll convince him to put me on the nice list. I'll just wait for him!"

Jax laughed lightly.

"Little My, he only comes if all the children are fast asleep. You wouldn't want to ruin it now would you?"

"You better be asleep during hibernation Little My, or Santa will never come to Moominvalley."
Moomin said pointing a finger at her.

"Oh my, what a wonderful story Jax. Now winter might not be so bad afterall." Snorkmaiden said happily.

I smiled contently knowing someone so heartwarming would be here during the winter.

"Well, I'm done!" Little My said, crawling under the table to sprint out the door.

"Me too!"

"Me three!"

"Hey! Wait for me!" Sniff called for the other children, as he ran out the door.

Leaving me, Jax, and Moomin's parents in the dining room.

"You sure do have a way with the kids Jax," Moominmama said.

"That story wasn't true right?" I asked, pondering weather or not to believe it.
She laughed at my statement.

"Of course not, Snufkin. It's just a tale to get kids to behave for the year, and it works."

I chuckled.

"I bet it does."

She looked up at the clock, and slightly gasped.

"Oh would you look at the time. I should get going." Jax said getting up out of her seat.

She grabbed her fiddle case and opened the door.

"Thank you so much, for welcoming me. You're very kind. I'll try and come back earlier, so we can spend more time together."

"It's no problem dear, thank you for helping me with dinner. You're welcome anytime." Moominmama said.

"I agree, you're a very lovely young lady. Take care!" Moominpapa added.

I got up from my seat.

"I could help you pack if you'd like." I offered.

She smirked.

"Would you? That would be great!"

I closed the door and let Jax lead the way. I followed her to a crevasse in between the rocks of the beach.

"So you stay here during winter time?"

"Yeah," She replied climbing down the wall.

I followed, she lit a lantern as soon as she got down.

"Cozy. I might steal it from you during the spring."

She smiled and rolled her eyes. I chuckled lightly. Looking around more, I saw that she didn't pack a lot.

"You don't even pack a blanket when you come down here for winter?"

"No, I don't really need one. Besides I'm used to the cold weather."

She held out her fiddle case to me.

"Do you mind holding this for me while I pack my bag?"

I took the instrument.

"No, not at all."

I watched her pack some extra things into her bag. One thing that caught me off guard was a tea kettle, but no cup.

"You don't use a cup for your tea?"

She laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, no. You see, when I was walking into town this weird brown creature confronted me. I felt like it was trying to kidnap me or something, because it was trying to lead me off track. So, I threw my tin mug at it and sprinted through the snow."

Annoyance shot through me.

"Stinky? Yeah, I'm not surprised."

She giggled.

"Snufkin, does it annoy you so much that you call them 'Stinky'?"

"What? No, that's his name!"

She laughed a little louder. I grinned at her.

"Do you often laugh at people's names?" I questioned smirking.

"No! But ever since I met you I have."

I laughed.

"Alright, I admit. His name is fairly comical."


She slung her bag over her shoulder and I gave her the instrument. Our hands lightly brushed against each other causing her to laugh awkwardly. I smiled finding it amusing.

"I've got lots of ground to cover if I want to make it home by tomorrow. Thanks again for helping me pack."

"It's no problem really."

We climbed out of the crevasse, and started to walk towards the forest.

"So, how early are you planning on coming back?"

She grinned.

"Well, I don't want to come back when it's too warm. How about the first day of autumn."

I smiled.

"I can't wait to see you then,"

We reached the entrance of the forest, I turned to her and said.

"If Stinky gives you any trouble on the way, come tell me. I'll knock some sense into him. I wouldn't want you to waste anymore mugs now." I said playfully.

She giggled at my remark. Her hazel eyes radiating contentment.

"Thanks," she said hiding her face in her scarf.

"Safe travels!" I shouted and waved as she walked deeper into the green lush. She waved back with a bright smile on her face.

Eyy, I hope you enjoyed this part. Im sorry it took me a little longer to write. My finals for school are coming up soon so I've been busy. Sad. :((

Anyways, comment your thoughts on ways I could possibly improve the story for you guys.


On Opposite Ends. {Snufkin x OC}Where stories live. Discover now