-Chapter 14- Snufkin

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"Did you tell her that story? The poor girl must be terrified Snufkin." My father said laughing.

"Well, it was worth it. She had the most endearing reaction. Though Little My was quite grumpy that we woke her up."

My father and I sat by the fire. I told him more about my trip to the lighthouse. My father ginned as he drank out of his mug. He looked at me smugly as I explained how precious I thought Jax was.

"Speaking of Jax." I pulled out the present she had given me earlier in the day. The wrapping absolutely adorable. My fathers smile grew wider when he saw the gift.

"You've got quite the catch son."

"No, she can't like me. I'm so plain, and distant. She deserves better. Someone charming that can sweep her off her feet."

"Aw, you doubt yourself too much. Go ahead and open it."

I undid the green bow and opened the festive wrapping to see a tin box which had a homemade sticker on it. The sticker said "Homemade blends." with a lacy outline. When I opened the box I was struck with a scent of fresh Darjeeling black tea and raspberries. It was a very pleasant smell. My father looked down at the lid I was holding.

"Snufkin, there's a note on the inside of the lid."

I looked at the lid reading the little excerpt Jax had left. It read,

"Dear Snufkin, here's one of my homemade blends. I thought it would be nice to drink something other than coffee to warm you up. It's one of my more sweeter mixtures for a sweet person like you. I hope you like it! Your friend, Jax."

I smiled at the note reading it multiple times. I saw my dad attempting to read it over my shoulder so I quickly put it back onto the box. He slightly grunted at my action which made me grin.

"I think we can try that later, okay pops?

"I suppose. I just wanted to know what the note said." He said smirking.

I rolled my eyes.

"I got that when you started breathing down my neck."

"Can't a father know about his sons friends?" He asked smirking.

"Yes, but this one is very special to me. I'd like to keep it private, you can respect that can't you?" I retorted back grinning.

He sighed disappointedly. I chuckled slightly. We sat in silence for a while, my father putting his hat over his face. I stared into the orange glow of the fire.

"So Snufkin, where do you think you're going this year?" My father asked under his hat.

I smiled at the familiar question.

"Father, you've asked me so many times. I think you would know the answer by now. Why do you still ask?"

"Just in case you know what your heart truly desires. Somewhere you know your thirst for adventure can be quenched. Have you not found it, or have you just not told anyone your secret?"

"Well, that's a good question. I do have to say, everywhere I go I still yearn for adventure. Though in Moominvalley I do not because, I know everyday my friends have something already planned out."

"Then if you don't need to search for adventure there why do you still come back here?" My father asked tilting his hat upward to look at me.

"It may be true that I don't need to search there, but to me it's not about the destination pops. It's about my journey to get there, and adventure being brought to me all the time can become repetitious. The whole point of an adventure is to experience it head on. To find it. To make memories so you can relive it over and over again. That's why I compose songs, to relive my adventures through music and share it with others."

My father sat up lighting his pipe, then blowing out some smoke.

"Has anyone told you how mature you are for your age?"

"Multiple times." I said grinning.

"It still blows my mind how someone so young can have the mind of an elderly man. Take that as a complement kid." He said smiling.

"I was going to anyway." I said chuckling.

The wind blew causing my hair to blow forward and my fathers pipe to Snuff out. I smiled pouring some of Jaxs tea onto a cloth then started to gather my things.

"That's my que." I said handing my father the cloth.

"Where are you going so soon?"

I tipped my hat.

"Wherever the spring wind takes me father." I waved at him goodbye then started my journey north, where I would be until spring comes again in Moominvalley. 


A bit of a shorter chapter with more father son stuffs. As always be sure to comment your thoughts and maybe some ways I can improve the story for you guys! Thank you for all the nice comments you guys leave on my chapters, they are greatly appreciated :))


On Opposite Ends. {Snufkin x OC}Where stories live. Discover now