-Chapter 12- Snufkin

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I felt something warm pressed up against my back. I turned around to see Jax facing away from me. I sat up and looked around the boat to see that no one else was awake. I sighed and looked out towards the water. I could faintly see the lighthouse in the distance. I then started to hear Jax stirr from her slumber. I looked down and saw her eyes flutter open.

"Good morning, did you sleep okay?" I asked

"Yes, just fine." She looked up at the sky, relieved that it was day again.

I pointed towards the lighthouse.

"Over there. That's where we're going."

She followed my gaze towards the tall building.

"Is that the lighthouse? Wow I've never seen one before, it's very lovely."

"Yes indeed, it's used by sailors during stormy nights. Think of it as a signal telling them, 'Land ho!'."

She laughed at my explanation.

"That's nice! I love the idea of having a light like that during the night."

"Oh I bet you do, Ms. I'm going to get swept away by the undertow."

"Undertow?" She asked.

I took this opportunity to mess with her.

"Yes, the undertow a daring creature indeed. He likes to come up to the surface, and stalk his prey. Waiting, and watching."

I grabbed the blanket slowly continuing.

"Until," I paused dramatically.

Her eyes widened a bit.

"They're vulnerable enough to catch!" I said engulfing her in the blanket traping her in my arms. I laughed maniacally poking at her small frame. I heard her start to laugh and squirm at my foolishness.

"Oh no! Not the undertow!" She said laughing.

I smiled and let her go.

"Will you two be quiet! Some of us are trying to sleep!" Little My complained.

"I think it's quite adorable Little My!" Snorkmaiden interjected.

"Well then you can have them!"

"I'm sorry Little My, we didn't mean to wake you." Jax said apologetically.

She turned over facing away from us. Pulling her blanket close to her.

"You should be sorry!"

Jax's face looked somewhat discouraged.

"Don't worry Jax, she's always grumpy in the morning." I whispered

She chuckled lightly.

"That so?"

"Consequently, yes."

Little My continued to toss and turn but failed to fall back asleep.

"This is all your fault, Snufkin!" She yelled frustrated.

"My fault!?" I said appalled.

"Yes your fault! If you didn't open your trap, I would have gotten some more sleep!"

"What's all this noise?" Moominmama asked half asleep.

"Snufkin woke me up!"

"I'm sorry Little My, I really didn't mean to wake you up. Honest."

She huffed and buried her face into her pillow. Moominmama looked at Jax and I apologetically. She tapped Little My on the shoulder getting a muffle in response.

On Opposite Ends. {Snufkin x OC}Where stories live. Discover now