Chapter Eleven

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"What do we have to talk about Chandler?" I asked him and he smiled.

"Well, you know that I love you right? And that I will never leave you" he said, glancing at me.

"Yes, I do know that. Chandler, what's going on?"

"If my aunt Annie doesn't agree with our relationship, Promise me that it won't affect anything between us. It's just me and you and our baby okay?"

"Okay" I said and he brought my hand to his lips. I leaned over and kissed his cheek and he blushed. We drove until we got to the doctors office.

We parked the car and walked in. A crowd was there and they clapped. We waved and took pictures with some of our fans. Doctor Elizabeth called us in and we said our goodbyes, "Renee, Chandler. So good to see you guys. We are checking for the baby's sex today correct?"

"Yes indeed" I said and Chandler smiled, nodding.

"Wow Renee, you really are showing" she said and I laughed.

"Isn't it great?" I said and she nodded.

"Okay Renee, here's your room. Are there any problems or concerns?"

"Um.. Yes... Does it hurt?" I said and Chandler looked confused. Doctor Elizabeth turned to me and smiled.

"Very much so" she said and I nodded. "Should we see the baby now?" She said and I nodded again. Chandler smiled and took my hand. I laid down and lifted my shirt to reveal my stomach.

"Okay, so do you guys want to know the baby's sex or not?"

"Yes we do" I said and Chandler nodded. I squeezed Chandler hand and we looked at the monitor as the doctor moved the camera thing around my stomach.

"Well, the baby is great. His heart is beating, he's moving around. He seems to be really happy. I'm going to check and make sure what his sex is" she said and I nodded and she left.

"I'm hoping its a boy" I said and Chandler smiled.

"Really? I was hoping for a girl" he said, holding my stomach.

"Why a girl?" I asked him and he smiled and held me close to him.

"Because I want her to look like you. She will be the most beautiful baby" he said and I giggled.

"Really? I was hoping for a boy with your eyes" I said and he smiled.

"With your smile" he said and he leaned in and kissed me. The doctor knocked on the door and walked in.

She smiled at us, "So you guys will be having.." She paused for a moment. Then smirked at me, "You guys are having a boy" she said and I smiled at Chandler.

"I win" I said and he laughed.

"I guess so" he said, kissing my cheek.

"Thanks Elizabeth" I said and she hugged me.

"No problem. Have you thought of any names for him yet?"

"Yes, but I having a hard time deciding so Chandler's mom and my manager is helping me out" I said and she smiled.

"Okay, so I will see you in about a month. Call me if you have any questions or problems okay?"

"Okay. Thank you" I said and we hugged once more.

"Anytime" Chandler shook her hand and we walked back to the car. Chandler opened the car door for me and I sat down. I started feeling sick again. He frowned, "You okay babe?"

"Why? Do I look pale or something?" I asked. I pulled down the mirror and looked at myself. Chandler took my hand, "Babe, what's wrong?"

"I'm just feeling a little sick" I said, he frowned and kissed my forehead. "Chandler, I'll be okay. Can you just take me home?"

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