S.1 E.10 ~ GN (Ch. 55)

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"Murphy, you do realize that Columbus was lost when finding America, right?" I laughed lightly at the thought of him not remembering something that schools drilled into our heads.

Did he even go to school? Care enough to be present in class?

"We should've hit the town by now." Warren finally admitted to herself and to Murphy.

Well, that does look a little bad on her.

"Check this out." Cassandra caught our attention as her index finger extended towards a couple of white warehouses with a fence surrounding them.


"Well, now being Doctor Bright-Side for the moment, maybe there's something useful inside." Doc grinned at the thought of there being a hamburger instead of tents.

Doc has been craving hamburgers with melted cheese lately. Can't blame him. I miss a good shake and fries.

"Let's check it out." Warren nudged her head, trading out the map for the machete.

We all jogged over to the fence, forgetting how tired we all were five minutes ago. Adrenaline makes you forget a lot of things, especially when it's in the heat of the moment. I pushed the shotgun off of my shoulder, holding it in both of my hands.

My right index finger was hovering above the trigger button while my left hand had a firm grasp on the reload. Warren swung the gate open, but Doc made sure it didn't hit the side to make noise.

"Oh, just like home." Doc sighed in content when asphalt became our new flooring.

Warren led us over to the first white warehouse that we saw.

"You know, this actually might be a safe place for us to get some rest and load up on some supplies." I smiled at the thought of finally having walls dividing me from the outside world.

I'd feel a bit safer at night. The sooner we can get back on the road, the quicker I'll be able to see my brother. I feel a lot safer when he's with us.

"I could use an hour's sleep." Cassandra agreed, holding a blade tightly in her hand.

"Hey, Doc, get the door." Warren ordered, standing beside the closed opening with the top of the machete pointed to her right side (It Would Be in Her Left Hand).

In her right hand, a pistol was facing the ground as it stayed beside her hip. All she'd have to do is extend her left hand out and cut or damage the Z in some way. If that didn't kill it, Doc or Cassandra would be the ones to finish it off.

When Doc got in front of the door, he twisted the golden door knob and jiggled it while pulling against the egress. Nothing. Wouldn't even move.

"Why do they still lock doors?" Doc sighed, reaching around to grab his go-to weapon, "Luckily, I've got a skeleton key."

The old man placed the curved end of the crowbar into the small space between the frame of the door and the door itself. With one good push against it, our entrance was grand. Warren twisted around with Doc following behind her.

Doc motioned for the rest of us to follow him. Murphy was quick to scurry behind the doctor with Cassandra right behind him.

"Go on." 10K muttered, scoping the area out for himself.

Nodding, I obeyed my superior. 10K followed closely behind me, shutting the door behind all of us. The place was dark and damp, even though there hadn't been rain in a couple of weeks. Shelves were scattered around, mostly upright.

Emptiness or clutter decorated the shelves. Empty boxes were placed randomly on the ground where people went all out with raiding this place. They got this warehouse real good.

"Well, being Doctor Dark-side, we're not gonna find much food or ammo in here." Doc complained, examining the dark warehouse as he walked by the shelves.

Warren was still ahead. Her left arm, that held a flashlight, was now crossed over her right wrist as it held a gun.

"Yeah. If we wanted industrial pipes, this would be the place." Warren noticed the excessive piles of pipes laying around on the ground or neatly stacked on the shelves.

"I don't like this." I muttered, my hand reaching beside me to grab something.

10K's short sleeved shirt. I looked up at him to study his face for any kind of negative emotion, but moved my staring back down when I saw his neck beginning to crane down to look at me. I can't look at him right now.

Nope, nope. Why can't I look him in the eyes, though? Why is my breathing becoming unsteady? Do I have asthma? I looked straight ahead when I heard Doc warn Murphy about something. The dirty-colored male had found a milk jug filled with clear liquid.

I need water. I'm just dehydrated.

"You can't just drink that." The elder tried to scowl the 'child' who had a firm grasp on the jug.

I released 10K's sleeve and sped towards the two.

"What do you think this is? The local Piggly-Wiggly? That could b--."

Doc stopped his scowl short when he saw me latch onto the side of the jug and swipe it out of Murphy's selfish hold. I popped the red lid open with my left thumb, letting my mouth circle along the edges of the round opening.

I took three big gulps before tilting my head forward.

"Spare us the details, Doc." Murphy snickered, taking the amphora back from me.

"It taste like good water."

I scratched the back of my neck, not liking the disapproving scowl Doc had colored onto his face. Oops. Before Doc could scowl me, a moan was heard from the very back of the--what was--empty warehouse.

That didn't belong to any of us.

"Shh, over here. Take cover." Warren motioned us over, behind a wall.

Doc and Murphy jogged over there with Cassandra leading them. 10K grabbed my wrist, rushing us over behind the small wall. The strongest woman in our group was the closest against the opening.

Doc was beside her but was more revealing if someone turned the corner. Still, he was ready to pike whatever made the noise or came our way. Cassandra was directly behind him, gripping her new weapon, a literal gardening hoe, in case things went south with Doc's approach.

I was on my knees, bent down some because I had a weapon right on top of my shoulder. 10K was close to my back, his right knee bent beside my right hip. His sniper was laid on top of my right shoulder to be the backup-backup-backup plan.

My shotgun was pointed at the cement beside my feet, seeing no need to use it when we have three backup plans. Murphy was protected by all of us in the very back corner. Dehydration must really be getting to me; heat was rising to my cheeks under 10K's touch. Wait! No, it's not his touch.

It's just 'cause he's so close and it's hot in here. That or I must be catching something. Scarlet Fever would be such an ideal way to go at this point. It's just a small head-cold, I think. I don't have a sore throat, but it is dry.

I'm just really hot and clammy.

"Everybody sit quietly." Warren hushed, carefully cocking her pistol.

The Z groaned not too far from us, but it was away. I could feel 10K's front move against my back in an attempt to get more comfortable in our present position. Just when the groaning was getting further away from us, the most unexpected thing happened.

The most God-awful smell and most naturalistic noise was made from the man behind 10K and I. Murphy had let out a fucking fart. In a time like this. Everyone's head slowly turned to glare or show visible disgust at the man who let out gas in such a terrible time.

I air-gagged at the scent of it, pulling 10K's scarf up to cover my nose. More wood scent; better than the scent of the air surrounding me. What the hell has he ate?

"Sorry.. It got away from me."

|| "Adrenaline makes you forget a lot of things, especially when it's in the heat of the moment" ||

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