S.1 E.11 ~ SoM (Ch. 68)

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What happens in this episode, I wonder.


The knowledge of knowing that they could all eat the very next day was a feeling of pride and stress relief, but the food will run out. That food also isn't what everyone craves; it's a hamburger with a side of fries.

Still, everyone was safe and sound at the time being. That was the true definition of relaxation during the apocalypse. 

* Next Day *
* (Y/N)'s P.O.V *


I heard my name being called, but I couldn't force myself to even crack my lips open to let the person know that I was trying. What's wrong with me?


Come on, body, work! What did I do to cause this?

"Maybe she's dead." Murphy's voice was the next to fill my ears.


"Don't say that, Murphy." 10K's reply was brought in a huff.

I wish I could've saw the mature sharp shooter of ours huff and puff.

"(Y/N)!" Warren's voice was no longer a motherly tone; it was just a loud shout to the ear.

I'm trying, woman! After a couple of seconds of me trying my hardest, I finally got my vocal chords to vibrate a groan. Yet, my body refused to move from whatever position I was in. 

"Are you okay?" Warren asked, not wanting to be the one to wake me up anymore.

I opened my mouth to speak back, but words couldn't be formed. For the final time, I cleared my throat from whatever was blocking it and tried to reply to my leader.

"Body, tired. What happened?"

My voice was hoarse and sounded so ugly. What happened last night? I remember going to sleep beside 10K, then everything goes to a black film.

"Your cuts opened last night. We tried our best.. to fix you up." Warren informed me little of the events. 

I bet it was gruesome. I squinted my eyes close before forcing myself to snatch them open. Only way I could do it. The sun blinded me for a solid minute. My hand refused to move from the place on top of my stomach so it could help me.

I could wiggle my little fingers, but just doing that, made it feel like the devil was gnawing at the skin. 


I coughed out the blockage that had yet to remove itself as I adjusted to the rays of light. Can God, like, turn off the Sun for ten minutes for me? Thank you in advance. Firstly, I tried to sit up by myself, but that proved to be a failure.

The next attempt, two people helped me sit on top of my butt. I saw a flash of two black-haired people move quickly to assist. I'm guessing Warren and 10K, but Cassandra could also be one of them. 

Blood rushed to my head, even though they lifted me up slowly. Fuck. Dizziness now consumed my sight, involuntarily my eyes closed to halt further dizziness. Damn

"We need to get a move on. Mack is probably already there with Addy."

Mack. Addy. My eyes swung open, not caring for the blinding ultraviolet rays in my weak sight.

"Then, what are we waiting for?" I asked, bending my knees in front of my chest. 

Warren's warm, motherly hand held onto my right hand. 10K's calloused, but warm, hand wrapped around my opposite hand. Doc got in front of me in case I fell forward. Both of the helpers had a hand on mine and a hand under my armpit. 

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