Chapter 8: Nightmares

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In my dream I was running, running from nothing. It felt like forever this continued until I came upon Castle Town.

I finally got to the halfway open gates and walked inside, but when I did it was chaos.

Souls and spirits swirled around the town square while civilians ran about, trying to get to cover away from these things. I looked about, trying to get whatever information I could about what was happening. But it was all confusing.

I decided to walk up to one of the spirits and tried to touch it, but it shocked me and the pain felt so real.

After the encounter the speed of the spirits and winds picks up around me. And through the curtain of debrees and wind I see none other than Zant and his dark minions.

I barely could make out what he said next. "Hello child of another world. I am so very glad to finally meet you." I squint, trying to make out his form among the mayhem.

"I've heard you were sent here for a very special reason. To defeat us."

"What do you mean 'us'?? I try to reply back, but the wind cuts my voice short.

"Anyways, I will be seeing you very soon. Be prepared to die with The Hero of Time."

'Link. He means Link.' I think.

A vision flashes through my mind of a  Link battling Zant, i tried to get to him, but i couldn't move. As Link looks to me, he is stabbed through the heart by Zant.

"Link!!" I scream. He looks down to his chest and the courageous light fades from his cerulean eyes. Zant pulls out his sword and Link falls to the floor, lifeless.

I wake up with a start, disorientated of my surroundings. I soon collect my thoughts and remember I'm in a video game. Legend of Zelda to be exact. If I told someone that they'd think I'm completely crazy.

I get out of my bed and stand for a moment. Recollecting my dream. Then I climb down the ladder, careful not to wake the loud snoring of Link and shuffle my way to the bathroom to finish some business with the Potty John. After that, I wash my hands and face looking at the mirror to see my face. My skin looked pale and flustered while my eyes had dark rings below them. What a night.

I look away from my reflection and walk to the kitchenette to get breakfast. All I could find was some supposed pumpkin pie. So I ate it. A bit of milk helps wash the yummy, gooey, crunchyness down. I wash the dish and put it back in it's place among the other dishes in the covert.

As soon as I do so I am surprised to see Link finally up from his slumber with his hair strewn about, covering his face and glittery eyes.

"Well good morning to you." I say.

He slurs like he's drunk and says, "Morning." He pushes his way around me and grabs a dish then gets a slice of pie from the fridge.

"You're a morning person, aren't you?"

"Yeah, whatever. I'm hungry. You?"

"While you were snoozing I ate some pie, so, I'm good."

The morning whizzes by as I recover from my nightmare and judge Link's morning looks. Soon, it was the afternoon.

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