Chapter 19: Smouldering.

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Bri's PoV:


When I wake up, I feel a warm woolen blanket over top of me. I groggily open my eyes and see Link staring into the fire. The only source of light in the darkness.
'This isn't where I fell asleep...' I think.

Link notices my shuffling and looks in my direction.

"Your awake."

I rub my eyes and look at him.


"Look, I'm sorry for what happened...I didn't know you would react that way..."

"No, it's fine. I overreacted."

"It's expected. I know how you felt..."

Then I remembered it. In the game Link became a wolf too, when he was in the Twilight.

"It happened to you too. Didn't it? You were that wolf."

"Yeah...." He looks down. "I didn't know I could transform without a Twilight Rock." "It just happened."

"How did I get here?"

"I took you back to camp..."

I didn't question him any more.

The next few hours were spent in a comfortable silence. Just Link and I, enjoying each other's company.

A movement of blankets catches my attention, and a small yawn follows.

"Good morning Midna."

"Morning." She stretches out.

A small thump is heard and a bunny comes over to me, from the blankets.

"Good morning, Ivy!" I say and smile.

"Let's eat up people!" Link gets out extra deer meat from his pouch and cooks it.

In a few minutes Link, Midna and I sat around the fire eating our meals.

"Ready to go?" Link questions as he packs up the blankets.


We all head on our way, with little Ivy trailing right behind us. She catches up to me and stops.


She looks up.

I lean down to her and she hops into my arms.

"Woah!" I exclaim in surprise.

"Someone's lazy." Link says.

"Well, let's continue."

The ever-growing volcano gets nearer with every step.

"Are we there yet?!" Midna complains.

Links chuckles. "We'll be there soon."

A huge Volcano looms above our heads now, the heat, getting hotter every second.

"There it is." A small entrance with red light stands in front of us.

"I'm pretty sure this trial isn't for me, so you two go try. Ivy can stay with me."

Midna flies to the entrance and feels her way in.

I follow until my hands touch a barrier.

"Not me. Midna, I guess it's just you now Midna."

"I'll be back soon you guys!" Midna courageously flies into the cave. Never to return. Sorry, that just felt right for the moment, I'll stop now.

I turn around and walk back to Link and Ivy.

He sits on the rocky ground, with Ivy sitting next to him. I sit across from him and pick up a rock.

"It's amazing what the world can make." I say as I twirl the rock around in my hand.

"It is."

"Wanna listen to some music?" I ready my Ipod, my hand hovering over my pocket.


I take my Ipod out and put it on shuffle.

"There we go." The Ipod lays in front of us, blasting it's music at full force.

I begin to sing along with the first song, which was 'Demons' by Imagine Dragons.

Link closes his eyes and listens, along with Ivy. The song ends and another comes, about five songs in, I put my Ipod away.

"Don't want to lose all of it's battery."


My Ipod has a battery that doesn't run out of charge easily. As of now, it's on 44%. So, I should be careful.



"What do you think Zant is doing right now?"

"I think he's working his ass off just to raise Ganondorf. But, we'll kill him, no doubt."

"Yeah, sounds like him."

"I've been having a nightmare lately. A reoccurring nightmare."

Link looks into my eyes.

"What's it about?"

My throat dries and I gulp.

"Ganondorf...kills you..." I say in a hushed whisper, recalling my dream.

"Brianna," He uses my full name. "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. I swear to protect you until you make it back to your world."

He has a slight frown at the end of his last sentence, but I shrug it off.

"Thank you." "I promise to visit every time I can." He smiles.

A small Imp comes out of the cave behind us and surprises me.

"Hey guys! Look at what I got!!" She holds a red and orange orb that seems as if it is moving around.

"Yes! We can go now!"

We get up, and I brush my pants off that now are slightly red from the dust and rocks.

Midna puts the rock in her little dimension where she keeps stuff and turns to us with a bright smile.

"Let's go!"

We all descend the Volcano. Ivy in my hands and Midna in Link's shadow, probably chilling with a drink in hand. Man am I thirsty...

"So, for the third and final orb..."

"It's in a place to deep for anyone to withstand...and its a body of water."

"Maybe...Lake Hylia?"

"Yeah! That place is really deep!!"

"Then it's settled. To Lake Hylia!"

"How far away??"

"About 2 days, take or give time."

"Ughhhhh. So far!" Midna complains.

"Well, we're on our way."

And thus, we were on our way to Lake Hylia.

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