Chapter 13: Music.

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It had been a week since I had been attacked by the Shadow Beast.

The pain in my stomach had ceased, leaving only a slight cramp whenever I moved too abruptly or quick. We were finally ready to go to Castle Town and see Princess Zelda.

I put on my old clothes that I came here in, and walk out the doors of a small house that Renado let me stay in for the week. Descending the steps, I notice Link in his signature green outfit standing at the bottom.

He looks to me.

"Ready to go??" Link questions me.

I look to the house, then back to him,  "Ready as I'll ever be."

We both walk to Renado's house and say farewell.

"Now, be careful you two."

"Don't worry sir. I promise you, we will both come back safe."

"Oh, and Bri, here is something that might help you on your journey." Renado hands me an iron sword and my eyes widen as I see it.

"Renado you didn't have t---"

"Take it, this is my gift to you. Now go."

I take the sword and sheath and say a quiet 'Thank you' then Link and I are on our way.

Since Epona had strained herself too much when Link traveled to Kakariko Village from Ordon Province to save me, she is not able to be ridden. So, we must walk there on foot. What a joy.

After about 15 minutes, we make it into Hyrule Field. The sun was just rising and it turned the sky a bright pink.

My father told me something once, about this, we were coming home from a night out at dinner, though I don't remember the exact name of the restaurant. I was peeking out from the back of my Dad's seat as he drove just to see the setting sun in front of us.

"The sky is so pretty." A young 9 year old me says.

"That it is. Sailor's like to say something, my father told me it once, 'Red sky at night, Sailor's delight. Red sky at morning, Sailor take warning."

"So we're gonna have good weather?!" The memory fades from my mind as my view reverts to the rising sun.

My family...

'Come on, grow a backbone Bri. You'll be home soon, hopefully...'

Link interrupts our silence. "So, tell me more about your world." My eyes lighten up as my mind fills with more things to tell him about my world.

"Hmm...well there are cell and tele phones! It comes from the Greek language."

"Oh, you told me about Greeks!"

"Yeah, telephone means far off voice." "It allows you to talk to people all over the world without having to be right in front of them."

"No letters or mailmen needed?" Link asks.

"Not at all!"

"That's amazing."

"It's very common where I come fact..."

My flies to my right hand back pocket, and there, inside, is my Ipod. I pull it out and show the little magic maker to Link.

"This is a cellphone?!"

"Not exactly, but it's pretty close, it's called an Ipod. It makes music."

"Can you play some for me??"

In all honesty, I will listen to any music, and my Ipod has so many songs, it's not even funny.

I scroll through all the songs until I come across a classic, when it first came out, I played it non-stop.

Heart beats fast, colors and promises.

How to be brave.

How can I love when I'm afraid?

To fall, but watching you stand alone.

All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow...

One step closer.

The song 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perry plays as I begin to hum quietly along to the tune.

Too soon, the song ends and I am left with disappointment. But Link's expression changes that into giddiness.

"That was amazing!"

"Do you want me to play another for you?"

"Yes, please! I mean, sure."

I giggle as my thumb scrolls through the list of endless songs until it lands on another. I pick out an old classic song, that I loved when I was small and I still love. 'Don't Stop Believing' by Journey plays, that's right, the most amazing song ever.

This time, I get over my shyness and begin to sing along.

Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world, she took a midnight train going anywhere.

Just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroit, he took a midnight train going anywhere....

The drums crash down to the beat as I sway back and forth.

"Your really good at singing."

My cheeks heat up as I hear this.


After the song ends, I hand my Ipod and earphones to Link so he can listen to it.

He questionably looks at the earbuds until I take my hands and motion them up to my ears. He seems to get it as he puts them in his ears.

I look at him as he hums quietly along to a few songs, and I laugh. I never thought I'd see The Hero of Time wearing earphones and listening to music. Of course, I never thought I'd actually see him in person anyways.

The sun was now beginning to set and Link stops and gives me back my Ipod and headphones and begins to gather sticks and stones.

"We setting up camp?"

"Yep." Link says as he picks up another log.

"Here, I'll help." I offer.

"Thanks." Link says as he pulls out two woolen blankets from his pouch. How, I don't know. This is Zelda logic we're talking about.

I take the blankets. "No problem."

After I walk about 20 feet I lay the blankets down.


I see Link carrying a few logs and I decide to help him with that.

"I-i can get it." Link grunts a bit.

"No, I insist." I say as I take 2 logs from his grasp.

He decides to just let me take them, I can tell because he doesn't say another word. We make it back to the camp soon and I set them down neatly in a ring of dirt and Link also puts his logs around it too.

He lights a fire with some twigs left over and he then sits back.

A few minutes in, I begin to feel drowsy and I yawn quietly.

"You should get some rest." I hear a voice disturb the silence.

"No, I think I'll stay up." My eyes begin to droop shut.

"Go on to sleep. I'll take watch." Link says as he pokes the fire with a stick.

"Fine." I say, quickly trying to get underneath the warm woolen blanket.

"Thanks, Link."

"No problem."

I doze off quickly to the sound of fire crackling and crickets chirping in sync.

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