Chapter 20: Ambush.

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It was about sunset when we stopped for the night.

"Thank the Goddesses we're taking a break!" Midna says.

"Yeah, I'm tired."

Link and I set up camp while Midna laid back, observing us.

"You know, it would help if you pitched in." Link says.

"I know. It would only help you though." She grins.

Link sets out the last portion of the meat on the fire and lets it cook.

Midna floats over to us and sits on a log with her legs crossed.

Finally the meal is cooked and we get our food.

I quickly eat the food, not caring how it tasted, though it was amazing. I was starving.

"Well, night guys."

"Good night Bri."

"I'll take second watch tonight. Remember to wake me up."

"Okay. I will."

I climb underneath the warm blankets and fall asleep.


The dream was happening again.

Link was battling Ganondorf. I was frozen, completely unable to move. Not even my screams could be heard.

Link looked up to me, his legs were shaky, and his breath was shallow. Ganondorf walks to Link, he was ready to raise his sword to finish him off. But I am awoken.


"Bri, get up!" Link says in a hushed whisper.

"We're being ambushed."

"W-hat?" I rub my eyes and look around.

"Come on!" He gets up and holds his hand out. I accept it and unsheath my sword.

Out of the shadows, hidious green men and huge boars ride-or walk towards us. There must have been at least 20.

"Link... what are we gonna do..?"

"Just stay calm. And don't move. I'll handle this."

Link lets out a battle cry and starts attacking the Bokoblins.

After he killed about the fifth one, he is surrounded by them.

"Link!" I yell.

He gets a nasty blow to his head and a swipe to his arm.

That was it. I've had enough. I bring my sword to my side and run to the Bokoblins.

"Don't you dare hurt him!" I jump on one and stab him. Another comes toward me but I stab him before he gets the chance to get me. Two more fall to the ground and Link rises.

"Bri, you didn't have to..."

"Link, shut up. I did what was necessary."

One charged towards me and knocks me on the ground. I let out a shriek and the Bokoblin explodes into thousands of pieces.

"Watch yourself."


The leader of the group decides enough is enough and he walks toward us. A loud roar sounds from his mouth and he swipes his weapon.

"Go for an unarmed spot!"

I attempt to swipe his arm and it cuts through his tough skin. The gash spews blood and I cringe.

"I'm not cut out for this...." I mumble.

Link cuts his other arm and swipes across the leaders abdomen. I charge to his back and stab him.

He lets out a loud bellow and runs off, barely able to stay on his steed.


I hear a loud thud and I look to where I heard it. On the ground laid a man with sandy hair.

"Link!!!" I scream and run to him.

"Just a little hit..." He says.

I look over his wounds and see two gashes on his left upper arm, a bump on his forehead from a blow, with bruises around it, and he had a blood stained tunic, which came from his hip.

"Why didn't you just stop fighting?" I whisper, tears now streaked down my cheeks.

"I needed to protect you..." I smile solemnly and pick him up over my back, his feet dragging on the ground.

"Where's the nearest spring?"

"Not too far..." He points to my left and I nod.

"Midna!" She flies over to me.

"Stay here with the camp and Ivy. We'll be back soon."

"Got it."

I struggle to walk with Link over my back, his body was pressed against my back.

"Stay awake. I can't have you going anywhere."

He groans in response.

It seemed to take forever to get to the spring, but we make it.

I lay him down on the sand and take off his pouch and weapons.

Then I took off his bracers and boots.

Next came the disturbing part, but I couldn't care less. I pull off his shirt and chainmail, along with his white shirt underneath, and I took off his pants. Leaving only his boxers on.

I carefully drag him to the water and lift him up just so he could float. Blood turns the clear water red as I begin to wash his wounds.

"Link, come on, stay awake."

His eyebrows furrow and he grunts in pain.

"I'm sorry, I know it hurts. Just stay with me." I wipe his face with my hand and brush his hair back.

I continue to wash all of his wounds, careful not to press on his bruises too hard, which there were many of those now that I saw most of his skin.

Finally, he was cleaned and I hope some of the pain in his wounds ceased. Now the challenge was to put his clothes on and take him back to camp. Actually, I think I might just carry him and his clothes to camp. It's so much work.

I take him out and carry his clothes with me. The back of my shirt was now soaked from Link. My muscles were burning by the time I got to camp. I laid him down in one of the woolen blankets and looked at his pained face, it was clear he was suffering.  I sat beside him and held his warm hand.

"You may rest now..." I say as I yet again brush his damp hair.

"Just come back to me." More tears fell and I heaved a shaky breath.

Quickly, I felt his tight grip loosen and his expression became softer. His breathing slowed and he rolled over to face my side.

"Good night..."

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