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Grian was absolutely furious. How could anyone do something like that!? Mumbo did nothing to deserve all of that nonsense! He was flying over Hermit Island looking for Iskall. He finally spotted his friend coming out from iTrade and dived towards him, making him jump with his sudden appearance.

"Dude! What the heck! You almost gave me a heart attack! Don't d- what's wrong?" The Architech asked when he noticed Grian's expression of pure anger. It wasn't common to find Grian this mad about something so whatever happened had to be bad.

The young Hermit looked at Iskall. "A company named Warner Chappell just claimed like 400 of Mumbo's videos!!!" He spat. Iskall stared in shock at his friend. The dirty blonde had started pacing in front of the shop while Iskall tried to process what he had just heard. Rage started taking over his body and he clenched his fists thinking of the injustice that was being committed. They were abusing YouTube's copyright system to take away his friend's money!

Calm down Iskall. Being angry won't solve things. The Swedish Hermit thought to himself sternly. "Where's Mumbo?"

Grian was starting to calm down too. "He's at his base. That's why I came looking for you, he needs us right now." The two Hermits quickly made their way past the tall skyscraper that Grian had built and flew toward the Mumball. Mumbo was sitting on the floor near the center of his base with his back pressed against the walls of the water elevator. He was lost in thought and didn't notice his friend's presence until they both sat down beside him.

"Are you alright Mumbo?" Iskall quietly asked. The mustached Hermit looked at him sadly and nodded. They sat in silence for about half an hour and Iskall decided to check his phone. In Twitter he found the hashtag #SaveMumbo and clicked it to see what that was about. He was surprised by the amount of love and support that people were sending to his fellow Architech. "Hey Mumbo, I found something that I'm sure will cheer you up." He handed the phone to Mumbo with a smile who looked at him in confusion.

His eyes widened and his expression instantly lit up when he saw what was going on in Twitter. "You know guys, I actually think that we have a chance of winning this one." The three Architechs looked at each other with smiles in their faces. Even if things didn't work out for Mumbo in the end, they would always have each other. That was one thing that would never change.


Word Count: 516

No one should have to deal with this kind of thing ever. I hope YouTube fixes the copyright system soon because it's broken af.

As far as I know, YouTube hasn't done anything about this issue yet which makes me really mad because they are allowing Warner Chappell to get away with something illegal. The more people that raise their voices, the most likely that we will be heard and as long as YouTube doesn't address this, we will keep pushing.


This has been Nightmare
Take it easy people and goodbye!

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