Tagged! (Part 2)

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Hi! I've been gone for about a month because I'm a piece of sh*t who can't be consistent with anything in my life. But to everyone's surprise (and mine too) I'm still alive! I survived! Real life can suck sometimes.

Anyway. I got tagged by ParkersRecs so here we go!

1. What is something strange about you?
When I read I make the faces that I assume the protagonist is making according to the situation.

2. Favorite K-Pop song?
I don't listen to K-Pop

3. Favorite color?
Purple or red

4. Goal on Wattpad?
To have fun

5. Current amount of followers?
OMG! I honestly never thought that I'd get past 5, I just checked and I'm at 25 right now! When did this happen!?

6. Do you have any drafts?
Too many...

7. If you could choose one fanfic to read forever, which would you choose?
Bound to Darkness by ParkersRecs

8. Favorite Wattpad people?
ParkersRecs AgathiaLee and NoEnvyJustEnby are my Wattpad family. It's a long story... And OreoBoi191 PeppermintLeafTea and thebirdfantasy are really nice people and a ton of fun to talk to.

9. Writers you admire?
ParkersRecs AgathiaLee MightysWolf AquaticAndFantastic OdalRune314

10. Favorite BTS ship?
Umm. No?

Yes, I tagged Parker and Agathia more than once. Deal with it.

Not gonna tag anyone because I'm too lazy

This has been Nightmare
Take it easy people and goodbye!

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