Night Overseas

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This is based off the pirate AU by aiMHana . You know, it's funny. I called this book "Hermitcraft Short Stories" but it only has 3 short stories and the rest is just me fooling around XD. Anyway, I felt inspired by this AU and I haven't written something decent in months so here we are. Enjoy!


Waves crashed against wood, rocking the ship gently. Stress sat in her room, staring at the wall silently. She had woken from a nightmare, shaking and covered in sweat. She took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down when she heard steps on the deck. Her mind immediately went to Cleo. The only other person who would be awake at this hour. She always seemed to prefer the night anyway.

For a few minutes Stress ignored Cleo's presence and just tried to go back to sleep but after some time, she had to accept that she didn't even feel tired anymore. So she put on her coat and headed upstairs, trying to not make much noise as to not wake up her fellow crew mates.

Cleo was leaning against the railing on the quarter deck, her head tilted upwards toward the sky. She looked at Stress and beckoned her towards her before looking up once again. Stress walked up to her and leaned on the railing, looking in the same direction. They stayed in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's company before Cleo spoke. "They're beautiful aren't they?"

For a moment Stress was confused so she looked at her friend, questioningly and Cleo simply smiled, still looking at the sky. "The stars. They're beautiful." Stress looked up and saw that indeed, the stars were bright tonight. The ginger's voice broke the silence again but it didn't just cut into the night air like an axe on a log. It was a very pleasant sound, like it was one with the wind. "They look so cold and warm at the same time. Whenever I come out here, they always feel like a warm welcome. Like a nostalgic memory long forgotten but that it's still there whenever I need it."

Stress stayed silent for a few seconds before answering. "But they're just dots in the sky... why are they so special to you?"

"I guess they give me comfort. I've seen so much hate in my life but the stars make me feel reassured. They're loyal and strong and unwavering. They're reliable. They're permanent. And no matter how much time goes by, they're always gonna be there. They've always been there. They've seen empires rise and fall. They saw me come into this world and they're gonna be here long after I'm gone. I guess they're a reminder that no matter how much the world changes, whether it's for the worse or for the better, at least one thing will stay the same forever."

"I guess I never thought about it that way..."

The only thing that could be heard after that was the wind and the ocean, together in harmony, composing a song of both peace and chaos that every pirate has engraved into their brains. A melody that brings hope to lost souls and comfort the lonely.

Tonight it just brought a smile to Cleo's face as she looked at the stars. So close and yet so far away from reach. But that was fine. She didn't need to touch them to know they'd be there for her forever.

And so the night went on. The two friends enjoying the cool wind, as the moon slowly dragged through the night sky. After a few hours, they spotted the silhouette of another ship in the distance. A pirate ship that both of them recognized as ZIT's.

Stress looked at her friend. "Should we tell Cub and Scar?" But Cleo just shook her head. "Nah. It's not worth it. Let's just enjoy the peace for now."

And they did. The other ship slowly drew closer but it was clear that they weren't going to attack. They saw Jevin was on watch on the other ship as it passed by and waved at him. He waved back and both schooners soon left each other behind. They were pirates but that didn't mean they had to be at each other's throats every living second. Scar and Cub wouldn't agree but there was no Scar or Cub in sight at that moment so the two pirates just enjoyed the peace.

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