The beginning

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My name is Allison Dawn Blackwood and I was different from other kids you see I'm not human. I'm a hybrid of vampire and werewolf. In my world it was wrong for a vampire and werewolf to be together. So let me start by telling you my mother side of the story and how she and my father met. My mother was a vampire she was the only daughter of the vampire king and queen. Her name was Emily Dawn.

My mother was 119 when she gave birth to me. But she look's the same as any 19 year old. Her parents need their daughter to take over. And for her to take her place as queen she had to have someone to rule beside her.

My mother did not find her soul-mate at the age of 117 like every other vampire does. So her parents were forcing her to get married to a man that will rule by her side.

But you see this man soulmate was killed by werewolves and he hated them, he only wanted power and to get that power he need to use my mother. You see since my mother was royalty she had powers that not every vampire would have, only the high royalty of vampires. She had the power of speed and strength but faster than a normal vampire. She could also read thoughts and her eyes would change colors base on her emotions and mood.

My mother had power and he wanted it all. He did not want to rule beside her but for her to praise him like any other vampire.

To bow down to him. They were supposed to be equal in power. But he did not see the same. So my mother ran away because she knew that he would end the world if he got the power he wanted. She ran deep in the woods passing their territory. And when she leave her territory she is no longer connect to her coven. As she ran she did not realize that she was trespassing into werewolf territory, the Blood Moon pack the strongest and powerful pack out of any other werewolf pack out there.

As my mother step into the territory many werewolf's surround her and one of them was the alpha himself Alpha Jackson Blackwood.

He and my mother saw each other and like that they were soulmates/mates. And since then my mother and father lived their lives and made sure that everyone In the pack would not speak to anyone of them becoming mates because as I told you they were vampire and werewolf they did not belong together. As my mother and father fell in love with each other they both had me Allison Dawn Blackwood two years of meeting each other.

My mother has not heard from him (the bad guy) since she left. She thought her parent forgot about her and she did not care if they did because she was happy with her mate.

To get to the end of their life I have to explain my father's side first. My father was man with a good heart he help a lot around his pack. He was 19 and has not found his mate he was the soon to be Alpha of Blood Moon Pack his parents were kind to him and the pack they took in as many rogues they could. He was saving himself for his mate and was not a player like other boys his age he always wonder what their mates would think of them when they soon find out that their mate did not wait for them.

Jackson knew that he will protect his mate and cherish her more than anything in the world. Because he was willing to do anything for her because the Moon goddess praised him with a mate, for him and only him. When Jackson though he would never find his mate his pack mind link and tell him that someone trespassing in their territory.

As the Alpha he ran out of his pack house and ran to meet up with his warriors to help with the trespasser. As he got closer the most beautiful scent came to him honey and coconut. His wolf Ray said "Mate" he ran fast excited that he finally found his mate.

As he reach his warriors he notice a girl who head was down and knew that she was his mate. He walk towards her and soon enough they became a happy couple. My father never thought that his mate would be a vampire but he did not care together they became the happiest and strongest pack ever. And that is my fathers side of the story. They lived their lives and had me and my father made sure that nothing happens to his mate, for no one to find out about me. The pack knew but they were loyal to their Luna and Alpha. They were in love they fell so hard and deep that no matter what they were going to stick together to the end. And that is exactly what happen they stand beside each other until there last breath.

My mother thought that "Him" would not come after her and He did. He need her power to become stronger and soon he found her and attacked the our pack. My father told my mother to run and take me with her. But my mother couldn't leave her Mate so she gave me to a women that she trusted. To my mother the women was like a sister that she never had her name was Amy Joy.

She was a young girl like my mother she was 19 and she took me and ran to the back of the pack house away from the attack going on in the front of the pack house as she was far away from the attack she heard a howl of pain and lost.

And knew that, that was her Alpha. As she turned around she saw the pack house and the small house of the other pack members burn to the ground. Many of the pack member ran and the warriors of the pack stood and fought bravely. But nobody got far everyone died the ones that ran were hunt down and killed. My mother died trying to block a hit that was being aimed to my father. My father was furious he knew he could not live without his Mate so he fought and killed the one that killed his mate until the only one left was Him. He notice that every warrior was killed and the other vampires were killed but not Him.

As he and my father fought they clawed and ran at each other and soon my father realized that he was not a regular vampire his eyes changed a different colors of normal vampire red to full black. And soon enough he aimed at my father and my father was distracted from the unknown creature in front of him, that when he clawed towards him my father tried to back away but not fast enough that the gash was so deep that caused his insides to spill out of his wolf.

My father could not understand what he was but knew that the only one that is different in the world would be me that I was the only hybrid alive and soon enough he will come after me.

For my power that I hold. But my father knew that I was protected that I was safe for now. So he step towards my father he laughed an evil laugh that would give you goosebumps. But my father could not hold on to any longer his last words were "She would not be found" and soon enough he closed his eyes and knew that his mate awaits him at the light. I'm Allison Dawn Blackwood and this is my story.


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