This is not good!

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Allison POV
I turn around and was shock. I got caught. Hey at lest I don't have to go looking for him he came to me.
Him stand in front of me with a smirk that sends shivers down my spine. Just by looking at him you know he is up to no go.
I stand there waiting for him to make the first move.

"To say I was surprised to see you here would be a understatement. Actually I'm quite happy. You made my job a lot easier." Out of nowhere a group of vamps come towards me. I act quick and send a roundhouse kick into the first guy chest. He went flying to the other side of the hall.

I turn around in time to doge a punch. I punch and kick back at the vamps. "Just move your hand in a wave and you will send them flying." Sun told me. As I doge another hit.

"Is that a joke?" I ask I can't believe just a wave of your hand you can send a person flying. But I listen anyways.

"Does this look like the time to joke? Really sometimes I wonder if you are okay in the head." Sun replies to me.

I do what she said I wave my hand and the vamp that was getting up from my kick went flying down the hall and into the wall.
The only one left was me and him who seemed mad. Very mad must I say.

"It seems you have your powers you are now the only hybrid to ever exist of vampire and werewolf and witch." He says. He is leaning on the wall staring me down.

If looks could kill I would be deep down in the earth. Probably even make it to hell. He stand up straight and walks towards me. I look at him curious as to what he was going to do.

"I will give you a choice. Not really a choice but hey I'm just doing business. Join me and you and me together will take over the world or you can suffer a slow painful death. What do you say?" He looks at me with a smile. Him and me standing face to face. What to do? I know stab him when I have the chance.

"Well when you say it like that I think I will take this choice...." I grabbed the knife from my back pocket and stabbed his chest. He looks at me surprised but anger takes over his face.

He try's to tackle me to the ground but I move out of the way to see him struggle to stand up. Blood oozing from the stab in his chest. I stabbed him really deep.

He punch me in the face. Did not see that one coming. His hit made me loss my balance. Before I could stand up fully I was punch again in the chest. I stand up and before I could see what happen. I saw a silver knife stab through me. Blood fell out of my chest and I fell to the ground. Talk about karma. This is not good.
Hey everyone. Just wanted to say I'm sorry about the late slow updates. Thank you to everyone who is reading this. Guess what my birthday is tomorrow. I'm so happy. (Not) I feel so young. ( I feel old) well anyways thank you again. With a lot of love thank you.

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