Fire Part Two

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Damon POV
I couldn't believe that my mate hit me in the face. But I see that she was scared. Worry fully takes over my anger. Blood and bruises are over her body. I look around the cell for the person who caused my mate pain. I see Lucas unconscious on the bloody cold floor and I smile.

Not satisfied yet but for now that could do. She walks past me into the hall where a group of vamps charge towards us. I turn into my wolf and attack. Worry that my mate will be hurt. I take down the most I could.

I turn to see my mate throwing the vamp next to her down. She yells at us to leave and I hear a few no's but they soon change their mind when they see more vamps coming.

I turn to my mate and try to get her to leave. But I see that she had thing handled the way she walks with confidence and determination. I run out with the others and once outside I look at the house wondering where my mate is. I was about to step foot in when she comes out. She stand right in front of us and puts her hands up.

Before I could question what she is doing her hands glow with heat and fire comes out of her hands. The way I way looking at her couldn't be described in words. The flames cover the house like it was a blanket. She turns and walk into the forest. I look at her as she goes wondering what just happened. Her friends look at me than the house than at her retreating figure. Screams brought us back to the present. Screams of pain.

I look at the house with no remorse or guilty they worked for Him and they tried to kill my mate. I turn around and walk towards the house. Angi and Asher soon follow as Angi holds on to Asher. Today was a fought For our lives I wonder what tomorrow will be like.

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