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Allison POV

I went to bed that night excited for the next day. Excited to know that Damon and I are going to give this a try. It's 5:39 in the morning so I get up change into some work out clothes and decide to go for a run. I walk to the pack house door and exit and ran 2 miles out in the forest. I just love the fresh air.

As I finish my last lap I sit in a log and tie up my messy bun. I head back up to the pack house to see Damon out side in the phone. I wait until he finished his phone call that I sneak up closer and jump on his back. He did not even get scared just laughed at me. I roll my eyes and get off of his back. He turns to face me and smiles. "So what we doing today?" I ask as I walk to the door. I head to the kitchen pour me some orange juice.

"Nothing much. Get ready at 8 today and meet me at the front of the pack house." I nod at Damon and he heads up the stairs to his room.
I finish my drink before heading up the stairs and making a turn towards Angi room.

As I enter her room she was still sleeping I turn towards her clock to see that it's one in the afternoon. God it's late. I walk towards her bed and shake her arm. She groans into her pillow and ignores me. I shake a bit harder and she tosses her pillow at my face. Before it could hit me I catch it and hit her with it. She stood up so fast you would think she is the vampire. I shake my head and she sticks her you tongue at me. I smile.

"Why are you waking me up from my beauty sleep so early?" She whines and head back to her blue covers for warmth.

"Beauty sleep?" I laugh.

"Yes beauty sleep. Do you know that this body does not come natural unless I get some sleep" 
I laughed harder. Beauty? I look at her feet and up she is wearing bunny shorts and a hot pink tank-too with her toenails and fingers the color pink. Her brown hair is all over the place it's stands out in different places. To sum up it look like a bird nest.

She thinks that beautiful? I mean she does look cute because with Angi everything looks good on her, but I will never tell her that. She gives me a look as I meet her eyes and laugh harder as tears run down the corner of my eyes. And my lungs aren't getting any air.

"What do you want?" She demand as I try to get oxygen through my lungs.
I put a finger up to give me a second. She rolls her eyes and she gets up to head to her restroom. I head to her bed and throw myself on her blue covers. She returns and look up at me.

"Damon ask me on a date." I stated looking at the ceiling. She jumps up and down and squeals. She looks at me to see that I'm not as excited as her.

"What's wrong? I thought you wanted something with Damon." She gives me that mom look and I turn away from the ceiling and look at the window.

"What if I do something wrong? What if he finds out the truth about me and he doesn't want me? What if i......." she cuts me off and pulls me into a sitting position.
"Listen here because I'm only saying this once. Your beautiful and strong. Your the only hybrid alive. Your the queen of all three kingdoms. You would bring peace to all the lands and I would be by your side. Damon should consider himself lucky to have you as a mate. Once he finds out the truth about you I'm pretty sure he would still want you as a mate. Just go and have fun okay. We will worry about the other problems later okay." She grabs my hand and leads me to my room and towards the bathroom.

"Take a shower you stink." I smile and give her a big hug. I snap my fingers and a big stuff teddy bear is in her arms once she pulls away form our hug. Her eyes widened but she smiles at me and kisses the teddy bear on the cheek. I turn and close the bathroom door. I took my shower and once done I grabbed a towel and dried my hair. I grabbed another one and wrapped it around my body.
I open the door to the bathroom and found that Angi already got an outfit ready on the bed. It's red and it has little roses. It was off the shoulder and reaches to my knees. It was beautiful. I put matching red panties and the dress had a bra stitched into it. I put the dress on and Angi came back into the room. She smiled when she saw me.
"Hair and makeup time" she dragged me to her room and made me take a seat on her vanity. She had so much makeup stuff and hair clips and jewelry. She went to her closet brought out a pair of matching red shoes and started with my hair. She curled it and clipped both sides of my hair back. She left a few strands in the front. She put a red ribbon in my hair and began the makeup. She siding out a lot of makeup in me because she k owns that I don't like any of that stuff. She puts black eyeliner and makes my eyes have a smoke look or whatever it's called. She put a little red lip stick but not a lot since I told her it look weird. To me it looks like someone hit your lip and it got sore and red. I know I'm weird.

She look at me through the mirror and squeals loudly.
" I got to say you look beautiful."
"What are you saying that I do t look beautiful any other day." I question. She shoots me a look and walks to her door.

"You know that I didn't mean that." She smile at me. I look at the clock and see it's 8:00 somewhere when Angi was doing my hair and makeup I told her to hurry up because the date was at 8. She let me go down first to the stairs. Damon was on the phone and look up when he saw me. His eyes darkened but it soon vanished when someone on the other end of the phone said his name. He hung up and walk towards me.
"You look amazing." He whispered into my ear.
He lends down and kisses the top of my hand and walks me to ok the door. Asher picks this time to walks out from where ever he was and say Angi name so loud I think I felt the house shook.

"Sorry thought Angi was upstairs" he said as he look at me and Angi then Damon.

"What's going on?" Asher walks to Angi how was at the bottom of the steps. She knocks him up the head and waves me off.

I laugh and Damon joins in to. As we got outside and head towards his car. He opens the passenger side for my and helps me I to the car.

"Why thank you sir."
"With pleasure my lady." He said with a British accent. I laughed and he close the door smiling at me.
He soon got in the car and soon we were off to are date.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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