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Allison POV


My powers are getting strong by the day. I can control them but I'm surprised when they magical pop up. Like when I was up one morning coming down the stairs of the packhouse and just though of coffee. Magical coffee appeared right in my hand. I was shocked to say but happy that the Moon Goddess once again chose me to be the savior of each kind.

I know that this is not the end of Him he can't die that easily. after all, he is a demon. A man without a soul. A man that only craves power. A man that the moon goddess created me to take him back to hell.

"Hey" I look towards the voice that brought me out of my thoughts. Damon. He is bare chest and i can't help but look at his body. scanning it up and down. I soon blush as I relaxed what I was doing. He smiles at me and goes towards the counter to serve himself some coffee. I was in the dining room and looking towards the big window that faces the woods.

He comes back toward the dining room and takes a seat beside me. As he takes sips of his coffee I continued to look outside. form the corner of my eye I swear i see him looking at me. I shrug it off and continued with my thoughts about how I'm going to deal with Him. I know he is more than angry he has less man now.

He is going to have to find more. I wonder how but I know for sure that he won't come here and try to kill me with his low numbers. he is outnumbered. I wonder what kind of weapons he is going to use against us. wolfbane, bombs, guns....

"Allison" I'm dragged out of my thoughts as I turn my head and look at Damon. He looks at me with a look of curiosity and confusion. I was about to ask what he wants but he bets me to it.

"What happened yesterday when you were in that house? I mean before you magical blow it up." He smiles as he said that last sentence. I don't see how it is funny. I killed many vamps and their screams of agony and pain hunt me. But I know that this is war there will be death. I kill for the good of others. or that is what I tell myself when I go out every night and out on my assassin mood on and kill those that deserved to be killed.

"I didn't blow it up I just burned it down. If I let them down they would have caused chaos and kill more of the innocents. this is a war we need to be prepared." He looks at me and nods. he smiles at me and I can't help but wonder why.

"What are you smiling at me like that? it's freaked me out now. And let me tell you I don't get freaked out easily. But the way you are smiling is going to give me nightmares." I'm rambling I only do that when I'm nervous and I'm nervous now. He just smiles wider and he moves closer. He is an inch away for me. I can feel his hot breath fan my face. He looks down at my lips than back up at me. He smiles and whispers "You will make a good Luna" I look at him and I and my wolf are happy at his words. But also shocked.

My heart rate picks up and I'm sure he can hear it. He closed the distance and kisses me. I can't help but go along with it. It states out soft and gently but then hunger and lust for each other takes over. I run my hands in his soft dark hair and he moans at me touch. I smile in the kiss and kiss him harder.

He runs his hands down my back and squeezes my waist as he brings me closer. I leave one hand in his hair and drag the other down his back. wanting him to come closer. I don't know how but I'm sitting on the table and he is standing between my legs. He breaks the kiss and kisses down my jaw to my neck. He continues to kiss my neck until he reaches the spot where he will mark me. I moan as he flicks his tongue and then sucks on the skin lightly. I can feel his canines reach and drag down my skin.

I push him away from me. He looks up at me with confusion than pain. I don't want him to mark me yet. I look away from his eyes and look at the wall behind him.

"I don't want to be marked." yet is what I wanted to say but I know that making him feel this pain is better. The moon Goddess chose me and i can't let her down. I can't be distracted. I don't want him to mark me and suffer when I don't make it out alive from this war. it will kill me if he suffered the pain of losing his mate alone. I don't want what happened to my parents happen to him.

I get off the table and walk out the door. But not before I hear him whisper "I'm not giving up. I'll wait" and I couldn't help but feel my heart swell up at that. As a tear rolls down my cheek. Soon I thought when the war is over and I make it out alive I will tell him how I feel about him.

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