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Alpha Damon POV
"Hello any one alive in there?" My beta John ask through the wooden door that belongs to my office. I been in my office for about five hours doing pack business. "Yes now what do you want?" I ask as I stand from my chair behind my desk. John walks in looking at the mess of paper that I have all over my desk. I roll my eyes at his expression.

"So this is what you been doing in here. I thought you were dead and were rotting in this office." John says as he walks towards my desk and picking up stacks of paper that lays over my desk.

"Let's do some thing funny like go outside and play some soccer. You know the ball that goes in the net and you play against other players?" John says as if I don't know what soccer is. "I have not be in my office that long that I don't know what soccer is."

I say as I exit my office. I see the door to the pack house and make a run towards it as I get the ball from the floor that lays beside the door. "Hey that is not fair! I don't want to play against you. Have you seen the other players that you played against? They are so scared to come towards you or even step within eye sight." John says as I make my way towards the field. "I doubt that. They still want to play soccer with me. I been busy."

As me and John play for a while. I soon realize the I'm winning this game. I look at John and see that he is not even trying. Is this guy serious. "Are you ok? Or are you just that bad?" I ask as I stop the ball with my foot.

"Nah I'm just to tired." He says we haven't been playing for an hour and he is already tired. I don't believe it.

"Ok let's go inside than. And get something to drink." I say as I pick you up the ball and walk towards the pack house. He nods his head in a yes and walks with me.

Before we take a foot on the first step of the pack house.

My pack my speaks to me and says that someone is trespassing in our territory. Me and my beta ran towards the woods. Shifting into our wolves. My wolf is pure black and John is a light brown. As we run together we arrive within eye sight of my warriors. We crutch down and hide behind a bush. We see a girl and she is fighting with rogues.

Then it hit me the most mouth watering smell that I ever smelled, raspberries and vanilla. I look up and the girl back is towards us and the rogues take a step back. I don't understand why they are scared they were just chasing her and now they want to run. What is this? As the girl laughs I could not but help to fear for myself and and my pack.

That was the most evil laugh I ever heard. I see the girl step forward and with the must fastest speed that not even I could see with my own eyes.

She rips off the skin and fur off the rogues neck. It was the must disturbing thing that I ever seen but it was a life and death situation so I did not judge. I would probably do the same but not the whole bloody neck thing. As she steps back from the bodies I see her leave the scene of rogues and me and my warriors followed close behind afraid that if we approach her she might attack.

"Should we even approach her?" John ask through our pack link. I shrug and laugh inside my head as I get up from my hiding spot and walk towards the girl. The girl does not notice me but my warriors as they were in front of my making sure that I'm safe from the girl that just went psycho crazy killing the rogues.

I see the girl eyeing the warriors and then looks up at me. As I walk towards her I see her take a step back her eyes wide with fear. My wolf Ralf says "Mate" and I could not believe it as I eyes her up and down than realize that she is covered in blood and worry and concern fills my face. How can a girl kill those rouges? I thought to my self.

As I was taking a step close to her I see her run. What did I do wrong?

I see her run and chase her. My warriors follow after me and I see her run past trees and jump over logs. She runs fast for a girl. As my warriors catch up one of my warrior ask me through our mind link if he wants to give her a little of wolfsbane I growl just the thought of it kills me to hurt my mate. As I see her stop all of a sudden.

I see her fall to the ground. I run towards her and notice that she has been shot with a sting gun. I see her try to fight off the wolfsbane but I could not help myself I had to ask "Why did you run?" I see her lose conscious as I carry her towards my pack territory. I swear I going to kill who ever decided to shoot my mate.

Alpha Damon POV what you think? Comment and ask questions if you want to? I will answer all. Thanks again for reading my story 😜

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