Sadie Paulman

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Sadie Paulman has this huge and seemingly undying devotion of maintaining her feelings to Daniel Lee.

And she is more than willing to step each and everyone who gets in her way; even her twin sister.

Sadie and Sabina look so much alike that you wouldn't tell the difference if not for their attitudes. Sadie is the most professional between the two but she tends to be uhh- destructive in terms of fighting for Daniel. While Sabina is the most calm and composed sister; probably why Daniel liked her, unfortunately for Sadie.

Sadie is the most ruthless. Sabina is the kindest; an angel would make the perfect description.

But Sadie's going to show them. She's going to show Daniel that the angel does have horns. Because let's face it...

Who would want to love the demon disguised in that sweet facade?

"WHO do you think is the one Mr. Paulman favors?"

"I'd pick the girl with the pink dress."

"I'd pick her too. The twin beside her looks snobby."

"Yeah, and spoiled."

Sadie rolled her eyes when she overheard the conversation of the wives of her dad's business partners.

Blabber mouths.

Sadie clearly knows how the people around her are talking about her and her sister. Especially since this is the first time in which they were officially introduced.

Sadie and Sabina Paulman; successful business tycoon Dave Paulman's heirs.

She didn't know that hearing any review about her would be this fast as the party was only going through halfway. Apparently, when you're in the business world, nothing is considered slow.

Lifting her soaking blue dress, Sadie walked inside the venue with her head held high and her posture composed, even if she was already freezing to death. She made sure that she would pass by the women she had overheard earlier and gave them each a glare. Even if she's still 11 years old, she wouldn't let anyone step on her.

"Goodness, Sadie. What happened to you?" Her mother greeted her.

"I fell in the water."

"Come, we need to change you quickly or you'll catch a cold."

Sadie moved her head from side to side. "It's alright, I can manage."

"No, Sadie. Someone must come with you. Heaven knows what will happen when we leave you alone again." Her mom eyed her wet state.

"I'll be good this time," Sadie bargained and pouted her little lips. She really doesn't want anyone following her. It's one of the things she's getting sick of ever since she was born because she wanted to have independence, to do things on her own.

"Alright, alright. But for one condition." Mrs. Paulman gave her a calculating look before continuing. "Sabina's coming with you."


"Mom! But I said I can manage."

"No buts, Sadie. Now where is your sister?" She looked left and right. "Sabi?"

"Yes, mom?" A sweet voice replied. There, in the middle of a crowd, was a little girl in a baby pink dress, currently being crowded by her father's business partners; their smiles evident on their faces as they look at the child adoringly.

"Come here, baby." Their mother held out her hand and gestured for Sabina to go to where they are.

Sabina nodded then turned to the people around her. "Excuse me," she said with her cute voice.

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