Chapter 15. Vacation

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But his heart was slowly feeling otherwise.

I'm sorry.

"Gahh!" Sadie sat right up while huffing her breath.

She heard the loud pounding of her heart and noticed the buckets of sweat trickling down her face as if she's been running from a marathon. Her breathing was ragged and a few strands of hair fell from her face, and what's weird is that she felt like she was still hearing things or thoughts in her ear as if someone was whispering to her. Her eyebrows creased as she roamed her eyes. Where is she? It's dark. She can't see anything. Sadie kept on grabbing things that her fingers could reach until she stopped at what she felt like the switch of a lamp on her side. When she pulled it, light immediately emerged to the room. Cream-colored walls, messy desk space, Chanel-brand clothes hanging on the closet; Sadie was in her room. She calmly closed her eyes and gripped her hair in mixed relief and confusion.

What was that?

The weekend getaway, a near death experience, and hearing Daniel's thoughts?

Was it a dream?

It couldn't be. But it felt so real. She was still hearing Daniel's voice. Plus, she can still remember the sight of the car they were riding at swerving left to right. She can still see it whenever she blinks.

Sadie looked at her arms. It was giving her goosebumps.

However, just before she got to carefully assess her judgements, her phone rang indicating a new text message. Sadie picked it up and squinted her eyes as her sight adjusts to the screen's brightness.

From: Sabina

Sadie rolled her eyes in between her still ragged breath. What does she want this time?

Sadie! Don't forget, we're going for a weekend getaway. Daniel already asked your doctor if it was okay with you coming with us, given with how your feet was going, and he gave a thumbs up. So get your lazy self up and start packing. We'll pick you up after four hours, okay? Love you!

Sadie set her phone down and lied back down. She groaned as she spread her arms on either sides of the bed. As she stared at the empty ceiling, one thing was going on her mind.

It was a dream.

It didn't happen because they were just about to go to the vacation resort. Sadie immediately sat up.

But if it wasn't a dream, then what was it? A vision?

Probably. But what does it mean? Does the universe want to send her a message? About what? Sadie sighed and shook her head. She doesn't wanna think anymore. It's giving her headaches. She just decided on going to the idea that whatever happens, happens.

If it was Daniel's thoughts she was hearing or not, she doesn't care. And although the curiosity is still taking over her systems, she decided that it's best to get a move on and pack her things.



"Hey, Sadie." Daniel responded from the driver's seat. Sadie squinted her eyes while waving at him from far away as she couldn't see him completely. Her distance from the vehicle Daniel was currently in was far yet she can still see him and Sabina sitting beside him.

Truly, the car which will take them to the resort house arrived just after four hours at her home. It's a good thing Sadie was fast at packing. She was already pretty used from traveling due to business, celebration invites, and modeling gigs that's why it's quite easy for her to move immediately.

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