Chapter 16. Kiss

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The beach can be the most relaxing place to unwind. Its peaceful splashing of waves, the breeze, and the quietness that rarely happens in one's life; it's purely heaven.

But not for Sadie though.

"So early in the afternoon and your face is almost itching to make someone fall asleep...with your fist."

Sadie couldn't help but scowl at Jaden who decided to sit beside her on the sandy beach. He adjusted the umbrella which was covering only Sadie's part of the body and angled it to where he will also get some shade.

Honestly, it was a lovely day to go out and swim at the beach that's why Sadie decided to change on her bikini and hang out at the shore. Was. Until Sabina suddenly showed up with Daniel and did she mention that their hands are entwined while running towards the water to splash it on each other's faces like dumb 5-year olds? Pathetic.

Sadie didn't bother looking nor replying at Jaden. She adjusted her shade while looking at the couple in front of her who was currently doing some swimming lessons: Sabina doing the paddling with Daniel helping her.

I hope you drown, you despicable pretender.

"Should I call the cops now?" Jaden pressed more. Irritated, Sadie turned to him.

"Why the fuck are you even here, you jerk? There are other places to hang out. Don't you know you're invading my personal space again?"

"Again? When have I even invaded your personal space aside from now?"

The day you freaking kissed me. Sadie blushed at that memory.

"Y-you know. That day."

"What day?" Now Jaden is interested. His eyebrow is cocked upwards while waiting for Sadie who seemed to be fiddling with the blanket they are sitting in.

"Wh-when.. When–"

"When?" Jaden prolonged the question. He saw how Sadie unconsciously bit her lip and it made his curiosity turn to amusement. Cute. Jaden didn't know a person like Sadie Paulman could even manage to be embarrassed and quite hesitant. If only he knows what she was thinking.

On the other hand, how can Sadie even tell Jaden that the day he invaded her personal space, because Sadie was supposed to spend that day for herself but Jaden was persistent, was the day he fucking smooched his way into her?

"Argh! It doesn't matter. The point is," Sadie's finger immediately pointed at the surprised Jaden because of her sudden shift of mood. From being a flustered teenage girl to a wild tiger. "You're invading my space!"

"Hey, easy lioness." Jaden held his hand up. "I'm just trying to get some heat here. And as you can see, I don't have any blanket nor an umbrella with me."

Sadie shrugged. "Not my problem."

Jaden groaned at that. "Come on, Sadie. Can't your savageness take a rest for a while? You're at the beach. Having a vacation."

"So? Just take a swim or whatever, buy a blanket somewhere, I don't know. Just get away."

But Jaden was not deterred. Instead of heading Sadie's words, he moved his face closer to Sadie and stared at her with his eyes. When Sadie noticed his sudden behavior, she looked at him and immediately tensed when she saw his eyes staring directly at her. His eyes sometimes scare her. It's menacing. And today is no different than that.

"What are you doing?"


But Sadie can't take any more of his staring. "Jaden!"

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