Chapter 10. D is for Who?

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"Sadie? We're back!"

As soon as Sabina made sure that Saniel was calmed down, the two hurried to go to the house because she felt like they already took a lot of time outside. Plus, she was not really that confident with Sadie taking care of the baby, more so alone.

Sabina didn't know why but when they were just a few houses near the house, she had this irking feeling of distress inside of her yet she was sure that it's not hers.

"Sadie?" Sabina kind of felt strange of the sudden silence of the house. She had imagined a screaming Sadie by now because she knows how impatient her sister is. She slowly opened the door and much to her surprise, she was shocked at what greeted her eyes.

"Oh my God," she uttered.

There, slumped on the dirty floor, was Sadie in a completely horrible state. Clothes creased, hair disheveled, and dirt all over her body; it just seems as if she's been wandering the streets all her life, except she didn't.

"Don't ask." Sadie quietly stood up and took the bag of groceries she was holding. Sabina saw her shuffling through the items before her eyes lit up, grateful for seeing the one she was looking for. "Thank God."

She took out the tissue paper that Sabina bought and went to the comfort room, feet dragging like a zombie.

"Geez, what happened to her?" she asked Saniel who was just standing next to her; apparently calculating Sadie's state as well.

Saniel just looked at her and shrugged before going to the kitchen to put down the other bag which contains the foods. Sabina followed him after getting the grocery bag Sadie was holding earlier and then helped the boy took all the items out one by one.

"So, what do you want me to cook?" she asked Saniel who was now carefully placing the canned goods on their dusty and old wooden cabinet. The boy just shrugged once again, not even looking at her and continued on what he was doing.

Although Sabina was slightly offended because of Saniel not entertaining her with simple answers, she kind of already understood him because of what happened earlier, and decided to not press further.

Meanwhile, on the other room, Sadie was trying to take her damn t-shirt off without letting Janna's spit and mucus get on her face. Heaven knows how horrible she felt when she got a nice poop fest earlier and getting another thing on her body would make her go bouncing out of the house and checking in a mental hospital.

When she managed to finally go free of the clothing, she then started wiping every amount of mucus off of her shoulders, along with spraying a good amount of water on her chest because of Janna peeing on her. Her toes were already clean of course because as soon as she had set down the little fucker-err baby on the bed, she immediately ran towards the comfort room and washed the poop off of her toes. She managed to get to her senses after a good amount of sobs before attending to Janna, and before she knew it, her legs just started to wobble therefore her ending up on the floor. Sadie felt the exhaustion consuming her and she was confused as how taking care of a baby was more of an energy-stealer than her attending on her work and managing an empire.

A few minutes later of making sure she was spotless clean, she dreadfully realized how she didn't have any extra t-shirt with her.

Fuck my life.

Apparently Grace wouldn't be there to save her now.

She could wait for Sabina to check on her and she could ask for her to help her. But fuck the option, Sadie wasn't the type to ask for petty help; especially from her sister.

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