Chapter 19. Just Who Deceives Who?

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Hello! Sorry for the delay. Here's an update. ;))


"Good morning—uhh...Miss Paulman?" The front desk employee greeted Sadie rather unsurely.

Sadie merely rolled her eyes and continued ahead. Apparently, the employee wasn't the only one who had the same expression because as she was walking, her eyes didn't escape the curious glances that other workers were giving her.

"What?" she snapped making the employees completely scattering around in fear.

She inwardly scoffed. There's only one reason why they have such reactions.

"Sadie! You're here." Sabina immediately greeted her as soon as stepped inside her office. Sadie found her sitting on her couch.

"And why are you already here?"

"Oh!" she exclaimed and fished out a key from her bag. "Dad gave me a spare key to your office."

Sadie inwardly groaned. Of course he did. She made a mental note to ask that key back once Sabina's training is over.

"Come with me," she simply said and walked out the door.

Sadie then led her sister to the lower floor where there are a lot of busy employees either tending to their paperworks, phonecalls, and computers.

Her company is considered as the main building where both transactions of her malls and hotels take place. And as of now, branches of SP Malls and Hotels are going international. Which explains a lot of work to do.

"Everyone!" she shouted. All employees immediately stopped and looked at her. Sadie then noticed the confused look of her employees, probably wondering why there are two faces of their boss in front of their eyes.

"I want you all to meet Sabina Paulman." Sadie gulped hardly first before continuing. "My sister."

Soon, there were faces of shock. Sadie wanted to roll her eyes. It's no wonder why her employees do not recognize that she has a twin sister. It is because she evades answering anything related to Sabina in any way. Plus, Sabina was busy working outside the country which makes her to be the least topic on gatherings. The workplace only thought of her having an identical twin to be rumors yet who they see now confirms that there is indeed another Paulman and unlike their boss, Sabina Paulman looked so bubbly and cute; very different than that of the one beside her.

"I want you to know that from this day until a month from now, my sister will be your boss temporarily." Gasps and sounds of hushed voices are soon heard and if it were not for Sadie's intimidating glare, there wouldn't be any silence. "Anyway, I expect you to still do your jobs well as I will monitor the flow of your everyday production. Assist Sabina in any way you can. Is that clear, people?"

"Yes, Ms. Paulman."

"Good." She started to turn around. "Continue with your work."

And with that, like a robot being powered on, the entire workplace immediately resumed their tasks as if no announcement happened.

"Wow. They do follow you." Sadie heard Sabina muttering beside her.

"Of course. What do you expect? My business is on the line here. And before I forgot," she soon faced Sabina as soon as they arrived back at her office and crossed her arms. "You better not jeopardize my company by the time I get back. I'm only doing this because Dad asked me."

Sabina merely pouted. "You're not doing it because of me?"

Sadie inwardly scoffed at that and decided to not answer her. She went to her table and fetched her bag which she forgot yesterday and rummaged through her belongings, looking if something is missing. When she confirmed that there were none, she gave a deep breath and faced her sister who was eagerly waiting at her.

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