19. Shitty Solution

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After what seemed like ages of silence, hyung spoke up.

"Taehyung...they won't know its Taehyung."

"Jin-hyung...what are y.."
I reached out for his arm and he looked at me warmly, his eyes worried not for himself but for me.

"We're working on that. V just went brunette and the public doesn't know it yet. That's one thing in our favour. We have to hope there's no more pictures to come capturing his face. We're gonna do everything to cover him up," another manager replied rubbing his eyes in annoyance.

Hyung nodded in agreement. That hit me hard. I couldn't believe what he was thinking. I couldn't let him do that.

"Seokjin-ssi, we have to talk alone." Our PD spoke softly, getting up from the sofa.

"You can't. It was all my fault!" I shouted moving infront shielding him.

"Taehyung, don't.." Our leader's voice trailed off shaking his head at me.

"Tae..let's talk in my room," Jiminie offered approaching me.

"NO." I yelled back.

Jin-hyung must have seen my fist clenching shakily as he softly touches them, not entirely visible to the others. His touch seemed to be saying something, telling me to back down, to let him go.

But how was I supposed to? He was asking me let him walk into the middle of the storm alone. Asking me to stand still as he takes the blame for all the faults I started.

He moved forward, pushing me gently to the side. Our eyes meet for a second again and my heart broke.

"..please..no.." I whispered.

He only smiled weakly and squeezed my hand one last time.

He and PD-nim walked out of the apartment.
The sound of the door closing rang loud in my head as I stared teary-eyed at the dull brown wood.

Our manager clicked his tongue and called for me. Ignored, he sat down on the sofa and started to make plans with the other members instead.

"We already made multiple calls with Dispatch. Jungkook, you will post on SNS about being with V all during the break. Your stylists will come tomorrow to dye your hair back and... geez. we have to leave for the US in 3 days. Why do you have to create so much unnecessary trouble? And how is Seokjin so irresponsible?? He's mature enough and should know better."

"Losing our cool won't do any good, Hyung-nim." Yoongi-hyung calmly commented, his arms crossed.

"Why does Hyung have to get all the blame? It was my fault. Why are you covering me up only? Why not him too?" I made my way to the table demanding answers.

"Look... it's not like we favour you or anything, V-ssi. But the picture makes it hard to tell that it's you. We should use the opportunity to make the best of the situation. Covering Jin won't do any good now. We can't afford to lose two members at o..."
He is cut off by Jungkook.

"What do you mean 'lose'?? What's going to happen to Jin-hyung? He's not getting fired, is he???"
Kook looked distraught.

I could feel a lump coming to my throat again. I was scared.

"Of course he won't get fired! He can't. Right, Manager-nim?" Hoseok-hyung tries to calm our maknae down but he looks equally scared.

"No, he's not getting fired. But he won't be coming on the tour. We don't want any questions in America. PD-nim suggested he enlist earlier than planned."

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