35. Midnight Lover (M)

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Warning- very long chapter and poor attempt at smut.
Please forgive me(;_;)

It's a quarter past midnight and my heart's ticking faster and louder than the wall clock.

Everyone else has gone to bed and soundly thanks to the wine and heavy dinner.
There's a light breeze blowing outside, making the window curtains flutter at irregular intervals. It's a cool night compared to other days but my body won't stop heating up.

My eyes are fixed and focused on hyung's bedroom door. Any more intensity and I could burn a hole right through the wood. I'm sitting up on the couch, biting my nails and battling a thousand thoughts inside.

I was so bashful telling hyung I wanted him tonight.
That was no lie. I meant every word of it but night comes and I'm a coward again.
Hyung had given me an okay with the same lustful expression on his face but I wonder if he would have if he knew what a nervous wreck I was inside.

We've had grown so much- from strangers to bandmates, from friends to boyfriends. If hyung would welcome me to his bed tonight, it would take our relationship to a whole other level.
We would be actually.....lovers.

My face blushed deeply at this and my feet moves on their own.
I push open the door as quietly as possible. Hyung's back is turned to ms and he has a boxer and his favourite pyjama shirt on.
His sleeping form looks ethereal- the way his waist curves deep in contrast to his broad shoulders and soft rounded hips.

I close the door as soundless as I've opened it and tip toe to his bed. As I neared him, hyung looks fast asleep. His cheeks squished on the pillow makes him extra adorable and I momentarily forget about the forming tent in my shorts.

Bending down, I give him a little peck on the forehead and kneel down on the floor. Resting my chin on my arms and the bed, I'm just staring at his face again.
My heart swells up looking
at such perfection; he's so beautiful inside and out. So kind and considerate, patient and wise. He was everything I wanted to be like, everything my heart desires and he chose me back.
How did I get that lucky? It's as if everything was orchestrated in my favour.

His eyes are closed shut, those beautiful glossy eyes; eyes that seems to hold the entire universe.

I chuckle at my own cheesiness.

"Are you just going to stare and laugh right to my face?"

Hyung says in a whisper but it's so suddenly and I give a little yelp.
He opens those galaxy filled eyes and I can't help but smile. Widely.

Heck, I'm whipped good.

Hyung scoffs but gives me a lil smile back.
I can feel my confidence coming back and I whisper still grinning,

"I'm planning to do a lot more."

"Then what are you still doing down there?"

This makes us both chuckle and I lean forward, planting a kiss on his lips and lifts myself up on the bed.

Using my arms for support on either side of his head, I press our lips together tighter for a long and sloppy kiss before breaking it off only to stare at the bruised pink lips of my doing.
The way he's panting underneath me, bangs sticking to his sweaty forehead and glistening eyes makes me animalistic.

Kim Seokjin makes me possessive as heck. It would literally kill me to think of anyone enjoying this beautiful view like I am right now.

No words are exchanged as our eyes convey everything that needs to be said. I lean in to wreak havoc on those plump lips again, nibbling and biting it softly and I hear hyung whimper softly in response.

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