• Chapter Four •

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Michael rubs his eyes as he looks down at his buzzing phone. Calum's name shining up at him as he clears his throat and answers. "Hello?" Sniffles sounds through his phone and he tenses up waking up even more. "Calum?" He says softly.

"Sorry I shouldn't of called you," Calum says weakly and Michael shakes his head.
"No no, Calum stay. What's wrong babe?" Michael didn't know why he felt so protective over a boy he just met but here he was.
"I need someone," Calum sniffles, "I don't know why you were one of my first thoughts. Well actually it was all of you guys but Luke has school and Ashton has work in the morning," calum says a choked sob falling from his lips.

"What's wrong Calum?" Michael asks and Calum lets out another cry.
"It's so stupid," he says and Michael sighs knowing it won't be easy to get it out of him but he is willing to work to make sure the boy is okay.

"Nothing that's bothering you this much is stupid, Cal, come on talk it out,"  Michael says and hears him take a deep breath.
"I don't know I just, I'm ugly. I know you guys won't tell me that I am cause I told you all how attractive you are and you have pity on me but like I'm not handsome or pretty or hot or anything and I cover up the truth with cockiness," calum stops to take in a staggered breath.

"Hey hey shhhh, babe you're gorgeous. I think you're the cutest little puppy ever," Michael says and Calum lets out a whimper at the petname making Michael smirk. "Do you like being called Puppy? Hmm? Wanna be a little puppy?" Michael teases and hears Calum calm down.

"Y-yes-s, I want to be a puppy," calum breathes out and Michael smiles.
"Are you into pet play, baby?" Michael asks and Calum blushes on the other line a blush covering his cheeks.
"It's weird isn't it," calum mumbles and Michael chuckles.

"Not at all, Pup, matter of fact I think that makes you ten times more intriguing. I'd love to get to know all of you guys more and many if we all get along starting a relationship. I'm pretty sure Luke's a little, your a puppy, and it's pretty obvious that Ash and I are doms," Michael explains and Calum listens a smile on his face.

"Would we have rules?" Calum asks and Michael chuckles and relaxed back.
"Of course pup, puppy's need rules don't they?" Michael asks and smiles when he hears Calum sigh.

"Rules are made to be broken," Calum gums and Michael rolls his eyes he can already see Calum being punished.

"If you want to be punished," Michael smirks and he hears Calum shift in his bed. "Do you like that Pup? Do you want me to spank you until your ass is pink? Or many I'll let you suck my dick before I Fuck your throat," the dirty talk makes Calum whine his mind completely off any doubts he had.

"Thank you," Calum mumbles and Michael grins and licks his lips.

"It's no problem puppy, but I think tomorrow we'll talk to the others, yeah?" Michael asks and Calum smiles into his phone.
"Yeah, goodnight Michael sleep good,"
"Goodnight Pup, call me if you need anything,"

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