• Chapter Twenty Five •

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As soon as Luke steps into the Hood Household the smell of tacos hit him. He smiles at the smell while hiding behind Ashton, his black eye has made him very self conscious and despite it going down quite a bit it still scares him, especially while meeting his boyfriend's parents. Michael pulls Luke from his hiding spot and Luke looks down immediately. "What happened to your eye?" Mrs. Hood gasps and a blush falls over Luke's cheeks not knowing how to answer.

"Um... well.... it's a long story," Luke says awkwardly and scoots closer to Ashton never once looking up.

"Alright well it's okay if you don't want to say, Calum's in his room he refused to help with dinner," she laughs to herself obviously frustrated with her son but trying not to show it. Michael nods his head and Ashton glances over at his boyfriend noticing his demeanor changing from a calm one to a dominant one quickly. Ashton smiles politely at Calum's mom before pulling his boys upstairs.

"Please tell me your not going to punish Calum upstairs from his parents." Ashton says and Michael looks over at Ashton,

"Ashton, I'd stop talking if I were you, unless you want to join Calum," Michael growls and Ashton nods and Luke observed them how every though the day before Ashton was the most dominant person Luke could think of when Michael doms him he immediately obeys. Michael knocks on the door that has Blink 182 pouring out and the door swings open Calum standing there a lollipop between his lips as he smiles at his boyfriends.

"Hey," Calum smiles and hugs Luke before taking the sucker from his mouth and leaving sticky kisses on Michael's lips before popping it back in and sucking.

"You mom said that you wouldn't help her, Pup," Michael's eyes are dark as he licks his lips the bubblegum flavor invading his mouth.

"I wanted to hang out in my room..." Calum says his eyes going wide when he realizes the dominance in Michael's eyes. Michael steps closer and his hand grasps the white stuck lightly pulling at it.

"Let go," Michael growls when Calum pulls back and when a smirk crosses Calum face it takes no time for Michael to get him on his knees and the sucker disregarded into the trash can. "Now, if you're not going to help your mom, we'll put your mouth to some good work," Michael unzips his jeans and lets them fall to the floor along with his boxers and his cock springs out making Calum blush. "It ain't gonna suck itself," Michael says and Ashton sits down on the bed watching with Luke as Calum begins to kitten lick the tip lightly teasing Michael as he stares up at him through his eyelashes. When he begins to actually suck Michael lets out a throaty moan thanking god that Calum has his music up so loud. Soon Michael grabs Calum's hair and begins to roughly throat fuck him making Calum close is eyes trying to focus on his breathing.

"Fuck Pup, I'm gonna cum," Michael says and Calum braces himself as Michael releases into his mouth before pulling away and watching Calum as he swallows everything. Michael reaches down and gets the left over cum on Calum's face onto his finger and looks at Luke before holding out his finger to the other submissive,

"Suck," he commands and Luke bites his lip as he's never tasted cum before and he begins to suck on Michael's finger enjoying it until it's pulled away. Michael looks back at Calum and smirks when he sees how Calum looks sitting on his knees. His face red and hair a mess as his hard on aches against his sweats and his plump lips swollen.

"I think you should go clean up,"

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