• Chapter Nineteen •

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To say Luke was surprised to see Ashton and Michael standing outside of his school was an understatement. He gulps scared that Michael is going to yell at him again and he tries to avoid them but Michael grabs him making him flinch but he relaxes when he's pulled into his arms. "Let's go to my car Luke." Michael says and Luke nods Ashton following them as well.
"I'm so fucking sorry," Michael says pulling the blonde into his lap in the backseat. Ashton smiles kindly sitting next to them. Luke stares at them nervously.

"Why?" He asks and Michael sighs and looks over at Ashton.

"I text Carry," Ashton starts, "she said that you said you didn't want us so we were sad and angry, yesterday she revealed her true colors," Ashton looks down a tear falling onto his hand but he quickly wipes it away and leans in hugging Luke as well.

"I love you Luke," Ashton says and Luke feels his entire body shiver,
"I love you too Ashy,"

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