• Chapter Thirty Seven •

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//writing// rape trigger warning

Tapping at the window makes Calum jump up and hurry over. Andy rolls in his bag in hand as he sits down on the bed. "I brought something new as well," Andy says and pulls out a few things that make Calum shiver. He knew he shouldn't do it he knew that he should tell Andy he just wants to drink the pain away but the other drugs enticed him.

"It's Christmas, why aren't your parents home?" Andy asks lighting up a cigarette, Calum only smoked inside when his parents were gone.

"They're at my grandparents," he shrugs and finds himself looking at everything in front of him. "What is all of this?"

"Well this is heroin, and this is coke," Andy picks up one of the needles and holds it out to Calum. "Wanna give it a shot?" Calum gulps, hes heard about how addictive it is and has even known a couple people who've overdosed on it.

"No but the coke," he picks it up the white powder inside making him shiver. "I'll try it," Andy smirks at him and pulls out his wallet handing Calum a credit card and twenty dollar bill.

"Pour some on your desk," Andy says and walks over Calum nervously following him and sitting in the chair before doing as he's been told, "then use the card to crush it up even more before moving it into a line," Calum shakily does this and makes sure it's perfect before Andy grabs the twenty and rolls it up and hands it over, "now snort it,"

Calum's seen this done in movies so he holds the money in his nose and to where the line starts before holding one side of his nose and snorting it all up. Within seconds he can already feel a high hit him and he giggles making Andy smile as he snorts his own and pours out more for both of them.
They do it again before Calum skips over to the bed opening up some of the alcohol and taking a few big gulps of whiskey cringing afterwards. Andy walks over falling into the bed next to the Maori boy.

"Your pretty," Andy says and takes a swig if vodka.

"Really?" Calum asks and Andy nods his head.

"Very pretty," he sits up and pins Calum down to the bed. Calum struggles under him letting out a few whimpers.

"Andy, off," Calum struggles and begins to try to thrash around but Andy connects their lips. Calum cries out sobering up at the situation and lets out a whimper when Andy begins to palm him through his jeans his erection growing by itself.

"Don't pretend you don't like it," Andy says and Calum shakes tears streaming from his face. Andy flips him around quickly pulling Calum's pants and underwear off and landing harsh slaps to the area. Calum finally just goes still and quiet letting what happens, happen as he just prays that it's over fast.

Ashton rubs Luke's knee as they drive to Calum's. They couldn't stand not being with him tonight after everything and when they arrive at his house and knock on the door to get no response Ashton bites his lip and turns the knob thanking god that it's unlocked. They hear screams and whimpers coming from upstairs and immediately Luke tenses up and Ashton holds out his finger telling Luke to stay still as he creeps up the stairs, the fear of what he might see overwhelming him as he peaks into Calum's room but what he sees makes him angry for a whole other reason that what he was expecting.

The sight of Andy on top of Calum covering the younger boy's mouth and he tries to scream, tears rushing down his face. "Get off of him," Ashton says his voice rough and when Calum's eyes meet his Ashton can't help but get angrier at how broken he looks. Andy gets off of him pulling up his pants as Ashton chases him out the window before rushing to Calum's side. He quickly covers him up and rubs his back shushes his crying before helping him back into his clothes.

"Come on, let's get out of here,"

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