• Chapter Seventeen •

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Tonight is Luke's chance, it's Friday night and his school is playing Calum's school. Ashton and Michael always go to Calum's games. Luke still works concessions so he's hoping to be able to find his boy's.

Luke watches as Calum runs to the goal and shoots scoring and the crowd goes wild. "Go Cally!" Luke says a huge smile on his face but when he sees Calum just look down and jogs away not doing his usually 'throw my arms in the air and scream' his smile goes away.

"Hey Mia can you watch the stand for a little?" Luke asks and the blonde girl smiles and nods as Luke runs out and up the bleachers his eyes landing on Ashton and Michael a blanket spread between them as Ashton is cuddled into Michael's chest. Luke runs over jumping on them.

"Mikey! Ashy!" Luke says holding on for dear life but the tight arms don't wrap around him to keep him safe instead he feels himself being pushed off.

"Get out of here Luke," Michael says and Luke's eyes fill with tears, all he wants is to be wrapped into their arms and hugged and kissed.

"Mikey, please let me explain," Luke says and tears begin to fall down Ashton's cheeks. Michael sighs wrapping him up in the blanket even more.

"No Luke, she told us that you didn't want to be with people like us I understand it's fine but leave us alone stop manipulating Ashton like this," Michael says his voice raising getting even angrier when Luke begins to cry.

"Michael please...." Luke chokes out between sobs walking closer wanting nothing more than one of his warm hugs that make Luke feel like he's at home. He thinks he's going to get it but instead Michael just grabs Luke's shirt pulling him closer.

"Fuck off Luke, you don't deserve us, you don't deserve anyone," Luke nods his head and runs away, not going back to concessions but just going home.

When he walks in the tears still fall. He hopes his parents aren't in the living room but once again nothing works in the blonde boy's favor as he sees his dad sitting on the couch. "Why are you home?" His asks asks his voice rough, Luke shrinks and bites his lip while sniffling,
"I'm-I'm sorry I saw them and they didn't want me and I got sad so I came home," Luke cries harder as his dad walks closer backing him into the door.

"So you're just going to take your mother and I's money forever? Your so useless Luke, a useless faggot who can't even keep a faggot relationship, I wish you were like your brothers," Luke cries as his dad pushes him making him hit his head and Luke runs up the stairs his head swarming with thoughts as he finds himself on the bathroom once again,
Hoping this time he won't pussy out from ending it all.

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