• Chapter Five •

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Calum - hey


Calum - calum down Lukey, I like you guys :)

Michael- I like you guys too

Luke - that's good!

Ashton - Why are you all up so early on a weekend

Calum - it's 10?

Michael- is someone hung over?

Ashton - shut up

Luke - what's that mean??

Calum - Ash got drunk and is now regretting it

Luke - oh

Ashton - I'm fiiiinnneeee

Ashton - I just have a headache

Michael - Hey Calum and I talked last night about something

Luke - really!!!

Ashton - about...

Michael - What If we all met up and see how we mix and maybe become boyfriends. I like all of you a lot I can't get you guys off my mind

Luke - Boyfriends????? I want you guys to be my boyfriends!!!!!!!

Ashton - calm down princess, we might be boyfriends, we have to get to know each other first. I think that sounds good I mean I like you boys too. When should we meet up?

Michael- I'm down for today....

Calum - I get off at 5

Luke - I can hang out today

Ashton - we can meet at the mall at 5 and get Calum after work and I'll pick up my paycheck and then we can go to my place?

Michael- sounds good


Calum - text me when you get there

5 hours later

Luke - [picture attached]

Luke - [picture attached]

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Luke - Do I look okay?

Ashton - princess you look beautiful

Luke - are you sure? I think maybe I should change....

Ashton - no no no, you're gorgeous

Michael- Damn I agree look at you

Calum - I'm sneaking my phone just to say I agree

Michael- be good Pup

Ashton - Pup?

Calum - fiiinneee

Michael- I'll explain later

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