• Chapter Thirteen •

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//writing and texting// sorry it's extremely short

"Bye princess," Michael whispers in Luke's ear as he kisses his cheek and swiftly leaves. Luke smiles watching the three of them walk to Ashton's car, Michael giving them quick kisses before getting into his own.

"Luke I need to talk to you, now," Mr. Hemmings says and Luke gulps and turns around closing the door with him. The man towers over Luke and the blonde boy shivers.
"Luke, you turn eighteen in five months, and then your going to college, until you graduate college I am in charge of you and I hate to do this but you are grounded until then, you will go to school, come home and stay in your room. This summer you will stay in the house and while in college no parties, no jobs, and no relationships," he hissed and Luke opens his mouth to say something but quickly closes it not trusting his voice as a lump builds in his throat.

"I'm so disappointed in you Luke," Mrs. Hemmings holds her heart a frown on her face that makes Luke feel dizzy. Luke shakes his head and runs to his room grabbing his phone before his parents take it too.

Luke - I'm so so sorry, I love you guys forever

A shaky breath leaves his mouth as his door opens and his dad walks in. Ben stands in the hall shooting Luke sad eyes but soon is rushed into his room by his mom. Luke watches as his dad takes his phone and his laptop. He blinks away any tears building in his eyes as kisses his boyfriends goodbye in his head.

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