• Chapter Fifty Five •

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//writing// also this is the iconic "weed" picture of Calum. I got this screenshot literally like minutes before Luke deleted it. BUT LOOK AT HIS HAIRRRR

Michael sighs as he pulls Luke closer to him and kisses his forehead as he looks over at Ashton and Calum who are sitting on the other side of the room as Calum does his homework. "I'm sorry," Michael whispers and Ashton looks over at him and sighs before walking over and sitting by him.

"I think this was all Carrie," he says and Luke looks over at him. "Think about it. She was the first one who did anything and then they all came in when they knew you were sad and venerable and then they did the same things she did," Ashton says and Luke stands up.

"Fuck her!" Her says and they all look at the angry blonde and laugh.

"Calm down Lukey, and don't cuss," Michael smiles and Luke blushes but stays standing before grabbing his phone and and texting Jack.

Not even thirty minutes later he gets a call. That this time they're all cuddled up together and Luke answers it the others listening as he talks on the phone. "Carrie won't bother us anymore," Luke giggles and rolls over burying his face into Michael's chest.

"Why?" Ashton asks and Luke smiles and bites his lip.

"Jack threatened to tell the police about some things she's done if she doesn't stop," Luke shrugs and Michael laughs.

"You're evil, but that's why I love you," Calum giggles and Luke smiles too.

"I love you too,"

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