• Chapter Thirty Nine •

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Carrie - Hey Ashy!
*insert picture of Carrie in Luke's ears*

Ashton - Why do you have those

Carrie - Idk what you're talking about babe

Carrie - I was your little kitten wasn't I?

Carrie - Don't you remember.... Daddy?

Ashton - Carrie stop, you know I'm in love with my boyfriends why can't you just leave us alone. You have a boyfriend!!

Carrie - But I miss you Ashy, you were the best boyfriend in the world

Ashton - Maybe you shouldn't of cheated on me then. Fuck you knew I loved you Carrie.

Carrie - I'm so so sorry about that Ashton. I love you too!

Ashton - LOVED

Carrie - Please just... I'm sorry, meet me for dinner

Ashton - I'm bringing Calum and Luke with me

Carrie - No

Carrie - Just is two, to have some closing

Carrie - Please

Ashton - We can have coffee

Carrie - Deal, tomorrow at 10?

Ashton - Fine, the usual place

Carrie - See you then.

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