• Chapter Forty •

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//writing// I think I'm going to have 60 chapter instead of 50... so 20 more to go! I think the Epilogue will be posted on June 30 (MY BIRTHDAY)  also this is the last update for tonight! I'm sorry if me updating so much is annoying but I actually have this story wrote mostly (I'm at 52) I edit every night until I'm bored with it....

Ashton walks into the coffee shop and scans the seats for Carrie who he easily spots due to the calico ears and tail she has on the table. He sighs hoping that finally she'll act like an adult and return them. "Hi," Ashton says and slips into the seat across from her watching as her face turns from one of boredom to one of complete excitement.

"Ashy!" She gasps and Ashton sighs and leans back in the chair. "Look Ash. I'm so so so sorry," she says her voice going from the high pitched squeal to a more mature voice.

"It was a few years ago Carrie, I'm over it," Ashton rolls his eyes and smiles when the waitress walks over ordering an iced coffee.

"But I miss you Ashton, seeing you with," She cringes, "men makes me so jealous," Ashton chuckles and shrugs. "How could they be any better than, me?" She asks and then glances over at the gear. "Oh and these!" She grabs the ears and holds them up. "I thought the kitten shit was our thing!"

"Carrie, even though we had a kitten kink between us doesn't mean it ends when I broke up with you. I still like pet play and Luke's my kitten and Calum's my puppy," Ashton says and Carries scrunches is her nose.

"I can't believe that you were so desperate to replace me you had to find three guys to make up for that hole in your heart," she says and Ashton full on laughs at this point.

"You couldn't even fill the hole if one of those boys left me. Let alone all the three of them be able to fill a hole you left. Carrie you left so small of a hole that those boys had to make their own," Ashton says and her mouth hangs open.

"What do they have that I don't Ashton? Dicks?" She screams the last part and Ashton smirks the surrounding table now listening to their conversations as Ashton stands up and takes the ears and tail in his hands.

"No Carrie even if they had vaginas they'd still have one thing you don't have," Ashton turns around before he leaves and smiles kindly at her leaving her with the bill,

"A heart"

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