• Chapter Twenty One •

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Calum knows that what he's doing can get him into a lot of trouble yet here he is climbing up to Luke's window at three in the morning. He knocks on the small blonde's window and smiles when he sees Luke look over. He hurried to Calum and opens the window, Calum can't help but notice the black eye that poor boy has.

"Why are you here?" Luke whispers and Calum just pulls him to his chest kissing him deeply. Luke melts into the kiss. Calum brings his hand up sliding his thumb over Luke's eye.
"What happened?" Calum asks and Luke bites his lip and looks down,

"Why are you here Cal?" Calum ignores Luke's question,

"What happened, Luke," Calum's says more sternly and Luke cuddles into him.

"My dad.... he hit me," Luke says and when he feels Calum tense up he flinches away but Calum keeps him pulled to his chest.

"Pack a bag Luke, we're going to Mikey's, Ash spent the night there last night," Calum sighs and Luke bites his lip,

"I probably shouldn't..." Luke says and Calum shakes his head,

"Luke, who saw him hit you?" Calum asks and Luke looks down,


"And what did Ben do?"

"He yelled at my dad and then left when my dad told him to leave,"

"See in the morning one of us will take you to the police station," calum smiles at him and pushes him lightly, "Go pack anything important,"

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