• Epilogue •

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Ashton - Did you check in the back room

Luke - YEAH

Calum - how about the living area

Luke - I'm soy dumb

Michael - Your bag?

Luke - DUH

Calum - I found them

Luke - What where were they?

Calum - the back room

Ashton - Told you so

Luke - I looked!

Calum - You at looking

Luke - Yeah But you suck dick

Calum - And you don't?

Luke - Not as much as you

Calum - Are you slut shaming me?

Luke - Nope just pointing out facts

Calum - Maybe I'm just better at it than you

Luke - Oh really?

Michael - Princess

Michael - Puppy

Michael - I swear to god if you don't stop arguing I'm going to punish you both in the dressing room at the next stop

Calum - I'm sorry

Luke - Sorry

Ashton - I love you all so much

Luke - I love you too

Calum - I love you all too

Michael - I love you all more than you'd ever believe.

//it's over! okay kinda there will be 1 more chapter that's a bonus smut chapter but other than that it's done! thank you for reading and go ahead check out my other stories! You Wanna Bet is another good ot4 and the sequel to it will be coming out very soon!//

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