• Chapter Ten •

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Calum knew that if any of his boyfriends saw him right now they'd be mad at him. A cigarette between his lips, his third one in the past hour. It was a addiction that he couldn't seem to get to go away. Tonight was his big game, it was all on him, the star player. Michael, Ashton, and Luke all were coming which added another level of nervousness. He looked over at the weed that he kept in his desk but he knew that his eyes always get red and they'd definitely drug test him and not let him play if he came to the game high.

When it was time to go he stuffed his box of cigarettes into his bag and hurried downstairs his mom and dad waiting for him. He runs into the kitchen and grabs a apple before heading out to the car. When they arrive at the field he hurries to the locker room to get ready.

"Calum Hood!" The Announcer announces his name as he runs to his spot on the field. The crowd cheers and he looks up immediately seeing his boyfriends. Ashton and Michael watch him while Luke eats a cup of shaved ice, Calum smiles and waves at them before the game begins. It's stressful and the guy guarding him is much larger so when he finally gets his foot on the back he dribbles it over before passing it to his teammate just to get it back a second later and he scores a goal. The crowd goes wild as he runs back the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he looks up to see his Boyfriends all cheering for him, Luke even smiling and clapping.

The game comes to an end, Calum scoring four goals and the team willing five to one. They team run over carrying Calum off the field and the Maori boy smiles as they go into the locker room. He jumps into the shower making it fast so he can see his boyfriends. When he gets out he changes and hurries out while chugging his water. Luke runs over to him first hugging him and Calum smiles kissing him before allowing Ashton to wrap his arms around him. Michael does last and leaves his arm draped over his shoulder. "You did so good, Puppy, I think we need to go celebrate," and that's how Calum ended up sitting at a booth squished between Ashton and Luke with Michael across from them eating ice cream, he really loved these boys.

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