• Chapter Fifty Two •

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//texting and writing//

Luke - Will you be home by 9 for dinner...

Michael - Sorry Luke I already ate

Calum - I think I'm just gonna stay home tonight I'm sorry

Luke - it's okay... did you guys have fun with your friends?

Michael - A lot

Calum - More than you'd believe

Luke - good, I miss you guys and love you.

Michael - Same for you

Calum - back at you :)

Luke knows that he's probably over reacting as he cries. His whole body shaking. What if they're tired of him? What if they're cheating on him too? His tears becomes a panic attack and he doesn't know why he finds himself dialing Ashton's number but after two rings he hears Ashton's voice comes through. "Hello? Luke?"

"Ash, am I not good enough? why did you cheat on us? why doesn't Michael and Calum want to be with me?" He cries out and he hears rustling .

"I didn't cheat Lukey, I promise. Carries forced me to kiss her and dance with her I was so drunk I didn't know what was happening," he says and Luke pouts

"Ashy I need you," Luke cries out and hears Ashton stand up.

"I'll be there soon,"

Ashton's roommate at told him what he'd over heard Michael say in the diner. He was their waiter and as soon as he heard it he called Ashton. So when Ashton pulled up to the apartment and saw a broken Luke walk to his car he feels terrible.

"I have snacks. I bought them for Mikey, Cal, and I but they decided to hang out with friends and skip movie night," he pouts tears welling up again.

"Hey hey, Lukey," Ashton's has and squeezes his hand. "I need to talk to you when we get to mine okay?" He asks and Luke nods and looks out the window sad and just wanting everything to be normal for once.

everybody's got their demons - ot4 Where stories live. Discover now