• Chapter Forty Two •

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//writing// malum fluff anyone?

Michael didn't know what he was expecting. After Ashton had told him about the rape and Calum going mute he should of expected Calum to just sit quietly or lie in bed yet when he walks into his apartment to just be greeted by two excited boys his hearts aches. "I missed you," Michael whispers pulling them both into him and burying his head into Ashton's neck leaving a few kisses.

"Calum's in bed," Luke frowns and Michael knows that Luke must miss his best friend. He nods and lets go of them before pecking both of their lips and heading off to the bedroom.

Calum lies in the bed staring at the ceiling a joint between his lips and Michael sighs. "Hey baby," he watches as Calum goes completely still and he walks forward and sits down on the bed. "I'm going to cuddle you okay?" Calum nods slowly as Michael wraps his arms around the younger boy and kisses his cheek. Calum lets out a hum closing his eyes as he breathes out the smoke and Michael takes the joint from him. Calum's eyes flash open to be met with Michael who takes a long drag. Calum's mind flashes back to the roof that one night with Andy and Michael making him slightly smile and rolls over grabbing his pack of cigarettes letting Michael have the rest of the weed.

"You know Pup, we both know that I don't like you smoking but I'm going to let it slide for a little," he says and Calum nods as he lights it and curls into Michael.

"I love you baby," Michael whispers and Calum smiles at him.

"I love you too," he croaks our and Michael grins.

"There's that voice I love," he whispers and Calum shrugs.

"I feel dirty, Mikey," Calum says and Michael nods and sighs as he pets the dark boy's hair.

"I know, love, but I promise it'll be okay and that it wasn't your fault," Michael says and Calum shakes his head.

"I shouldn't of said I wanted to do it," Calum whispers and Michael stops and looks at the smaller boy.

"Do what, baby?" He asks nervously.

"We did coke," Calum mumbles and Michael sighs and hugs Calum close it his chest.

"Cal, I use to be a big party guy. I use to do all kinds of drugs at the parties. I promise that doing cocaine isn't something that he can blame raping you on," Michael says and Calum nods and takes another drag from his cigarette as Michael does the same thing from the joint.

"I don't want to talk anymore," Calum says and Michael rubs his back soothingly.

"Just go to sleep baby,"

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