• Chapter Twelve •

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//writing// a/n : I love Liz as much as the next guy and since I can't disrespect Liz with how this mom acts.... her name is Susan.

Luke nervously walks into his older brother's room knocking first because he knows that Jack's girlfriend is over. When he opens the door Ben also sits there talking to the couple and Luke sits down on the bed kicking his feet silently. "What up lil bro?" Jack asks with a big smile while judging him noticing the younger brother's nervousness.

"You know how I told mom I'm in a relationship?" Luke asks looks up at the two blondes and red haired girl all staring at him.
"Yeah, Luke are you not actually?" Ben asks and Luke shakes his head no.

"No no, I am but it's not like how mom might be hoping," he sighs out while still staring down. Jack scoots closer to him so he feels more safe.

"You can tell us anything, Luke," he reassures and Luke takes and deep breath.
"I'm dating three guys," Luke says and the room's silent as Hey process what the youngest boy said.

"Alright well, it'll be a shock but mom can't stay mad as long as they're good to you," Ben shrugs his head and a smirk covers his lips.
"I know I've seen one of their cars, it's pretty nice, what's his name?" Luke smiles happy to talk about Ashton.

"Ashton, he's the oldest, he's your age actually Jack," Luke blushes and Ben smiles at him but Jack's smile drops,

"Ashton Irwin?" He asks, and Luke nods slowly as Jack stands up rubbing his head in his hands.

"What's wrong?" Ben asks and Jack turns to face his older brother.

"I never got along with that son of a bitch, not sure why but all I know is that we were always competing," Jack says and looks at his girlfriend who's mouth is tight.

"I dated him, he broke up with me for a guy," she says and Luke gulps looking down at all the hate being thrown to a guy who he's pretty sure he loves.

The door bell sounds downstairs and Luke jumps up and runs down and opens it to see his three boys standing there. Ashton gives him an awkward smile while Michael and Calum both beam at him. They're all dressed nicely but not over dressed. Ashton and Calum both in button down t-shirts while Michael is simply just in a black shirt, and their all wearing plain black jeans with their outfits. Luke runs into Calum's arms and they hug before he invites them in. "Um mom," Luke calls and his mom appears in the living room. "These are my boyfriends," Luke mumbles and she stops staring at the three boys in shock before her nose scrunches is.

"Hi," She says trying not to be disgusted but failing miserably. Ashton notices Luke's sad and disappointed look and wraps an arm around the small boy.

"Hi, Mrs. Hemmings, I'm Ashton, that's Michael, and that's Calum," Ashton greets and the two brothers come down the stairs Jack locks eyes with Ashton sending him daggers and Ashton smiles kindly in return making Jack even more annoyed.

"Well since your here dinner is ready," Mrs. Hemmings sighs and motions for them all to go to the table. Ben, Jack, and Jack's girlfriend sit by Mr. and Mrs. Hemmings with Luke and his boyfriends sit on the other side of the table. They all dish out their food and Luke groans when his father stop him from eating to say grace.

"Dear God, please be with everyone at this table through their walks of life, please enlighten them with your spirit showing them that you are real and that some of the choices they make are not in your glory, you your name I pray, Amen," Luke sighs and takes a bite of his pasta, his dad just nicely told them that being gay is bad.

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