• Chapter Thirty Two •

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// writing // warning : the words pussy and faggot are used rudely in this. Also I promise I don't hate Jack, Ben, and Andrew irl.

Luke packs a suitcase they Michael let him borrow. The older boyfriends sit helping Luke. Help to their standards at least.

"Baby boy, this blue panties are beautiful why don't you take them and send us some pictures?" Ashton asks and Luke blushes and yank them out of his hands tossing them into the bag.

"Are you bringing your set?" Michael asks grabbing the box that Luke decided to keep the ears and tail in.

"You know I still haven't seen you in them yet," Ashton says and hands the box over to the blonde. Luke opens it and bites his lip. "See the tail, you can either attach it to your clothes or you can connect the plug," Ashton says and Luke nods and gulps deciding to just clip it to his his jeans and he slips the ears that are on the headband onto his hand before looking up at the two men staring at him.

"Your look beautiful Princess," Michael says and places his hand on Luke's chin making him look up at him,

"Such a pretty little kitten," Ashton asks and Luke feels himself blush but the moments ruined when his phone rings and Ben says that he's outside.

"Please be safe," Michael says and Luke smiles and nods taking off the tail and ears before tucking them safely into the box.

"I promise I will, I love you," and with that the blonde leaves.

Walking back into the house makes him shiver. He clutched the house key to Michael's that he'd given him for emergencies tightly as his eyes scan for his parents but all he sees is Jack and Carrie drinking hot chocolate on the couch.

"Luke," a deep voice says and Luke looks up and steps back at the sight of his father coming down the steps. "Your eye healed," he says and Luke rolls his eyes,

"Dad please be nice to Luke," Ben bets and Jack and Carrie are now watching as well.

"He's a faggot Ben," Andrew says and Luke frowns wishing that his father could just love him. "Are you still with those other men," he scoffs while saying men making Luke get more and more angry.

"Yes, I've been living with Michael," he answers and his father rolls his eyes.

"Of course you have," he says and sighs. "I didn't want to do this Luke, but you have to break up with them or I will," Andrew says and Luke chokes on a sob that comes out.

"No! I love them, I'm leaving," Luke goes to turn but Andrew stops him.

"Get him," Andrew says and Ben and Jack grab Luke Jack reaching into Luke's pocket taking out his new phone. Andrew opens it and goes to his messages and to the group chat typing in a message and reading it to them. "I'm breaking up with you, I'm nothing like you, that's why I came home," he reads and Luke screams a no but as he watches his dad press send he just cries to himself.

"Let's see what he packed," Jack says and opens the suitcase the ears and tail on top making them all laugh except Luke who looks at the beautiful calico fur.

"He really is a pussy," Ben laughs and Luke looks at his eldest brother sadly think that he was on his side.

"I bet you'd look beautiful in this, Carrie," Jack says and walks over to his girlfriend helping her put on the gear and Luke watches feeling his heart break as she listens to his phone buzz in his father's pocket.

"Look at this Jack," Andrew laughs and pulls the blue panties out. Baby boy, this blue panties are beautiful why don't you take them and send up some pictures. The words echo in Luke's mind and he cries harder remembering it.

Why him?

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