• Chapter Twenty Six •

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Calum walks back out to find his boyfriends lying on his bed cuddling together as they talk amongst themselves. "Boy's dinner!" Joy's voice echos upstairs and they all stand up with Calum hurrying downstairs to find his mom, dad, and sister all sitting at the table. They all sit down and watch as Calum and his sister begins to make their tacos ever though his mom said to wait.

"Calum! Mali! I swear to god you both better remove your hands from the food before I cut them off!" Joy scolds obviously annoyed with her children and embarrassed in front of the guests but Calum calms down as soon as Michael's hand lands on his thigh lightly drawing designs with his finger as he figures that something more than him just being disrespectful is probably happening.

"Ashton, Michael, Luke, I was going to let you have first choice but my children are very disrespectful I'm sorry, but go ahead," she smiles and Michael shakes his head saying it's fine as him and Ashton pay attention to what Luke wants before themselves. Joy and Daryl smile watching before Calum's dad speaks up.

"So I'm guessing from just watching you help Luke that you're the same with my son?" The man asks and Ashton smiles and nods glancing over at Calum who's smiling as well.

"Dad they take really good care of me," calum says and his father nods as dinner continues.

"Lukey spend the night with me!" Calum says as the boys go to leave. Luke looks at Ashton and Michael who both shrug and nod.

"Did you ask you mom?" Luke asks and Calum nods his head and smile coming onto his face.

"Yep! And she said that she doesn't care but Mali said she better not hear moaning," Calum chuckles and the other two laugh as well leaving Luke to stand there flustered his cheeks pink.

"Alright well you both better be good, right Puppy?" Michael asks and Calum smiles at him sweetly and pecks his lips making Michael laugh and shake his head. "Just text us if you want to do anything naughty okay?" Michael smiles and Calum sighs but nods.

When they leave Calum and Luke cuddle up in the bed. Calum places small kisses on Luke's head as Ponyo plays on his laptop. He'd seen the movie many times, probably less than Luke but Luke was still entranced the entire movie.

Around two there's a tapping at Calum's window and Luke cuddles further into Calum nervously. "Don't worry princess, if they're tapping on my window it's on of my friends," Calum says and walks over to see Andy. He sighs and opens the window letting the black haired man climb in.

"Is this the cute blonde you talk about?" Andy asks walking over to Luke who's now sitting on the edge of the bed. Calum dives in next to Luke and smiles proudly.

"Yep!" He says and Andy smiles and introduces himself before emptying his backpack Luke's eyes going wide at everything inside. He looks over at Calum expecting him to have the same face but Calum reaches over and grabs the joint that Andy has and sticks it behind his ear before grabbing a bottle of Jack Daniels and a carton of cigarettes and heading out his window. Luke follows him and when he gets out Calum has already lit the joint.

"Cally..." Luke whispers and Calum smiles and opens up his arms Luke crawling into them.

"Want to take a hit, Princess?" Calum asks and Luke bites his lip but nods, he doesn't want to be a good boy anymore. He takes it and Calum laughs showing him out to smoke it before Luke does and blow out the smoke coughing. Calum and Andy laugh but Luke frowns and does it again this time not coughing.

"Keep that one I got more," Andy says and takes out two more handing one to Calum and keeping one. They light up and Luke sighs staring down at the one he has and shrugging, what's the worst that can happen.

An hour later and Luke is high... and drunk due to Calum saying that he'd give him a blow job later if he took four shots. So Luke lies on the roof giggling at whatever drunk Calum is whispering in his ear. His phone rings and it's Michael requesting to Skype and without thinking Luke answers giggling when he sees both of his boyfriends pop up them both with new hickies.

"Hiiii," Luke says and Michael raises his eyebrow at him.

"Luke... are you drunk?" Michael asks and Luke giggles again hiccuping at the end.

"I don't know, are you drunk?" Luke fires back and giggles once again making Calum giggle as well.

"Is Calum drunk too?" Michael says his voice would usually scare Luke right now but in his drunken state he can't tell that it's dangerous.

"Yeah Cally and I took four shots, well Cally took more than that, and we also both smoked weed! Well I had one joint Cally had more than that... he also smoked cigarettes but those are gross I tried," Luke says and Michael sighs rubbing his face. Luckily Andy had left an hour ago.

"I want to both to go to bed now, I'll be there in the morning,"

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