Cute nerd and handsome bully

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"Oh! Now way! Why is this guy sleeping in front of me again?" New opened his eyes and saw the face of the nice looking guy, sleeping next to him, "What's going on? What's wrong with him? It's really starting to make me nervous. Me?! Who is always calm and reasonable!"

Both guys were sitting at the same table in the University library as close as possible to each other. One of them, named New, has already woken up, and the second guy, named Tay - quietly snuffled, putting his head on the arms.

When New saw this guy sleeping in front of him the first time a month ago, he thought it was just a coincidence. Many students come to the library during the exam period. Maybe the guy fell asleep just like New, because of a boring textbook.

After this happened a second time, New became alert. Because when the unfamiliar guy woke up, he made a surprised eyes, quickly jumped up from his chair and ran out of the library.

After the third occasion, New got worried and began to observe this strange student.

"What have I learned about him? We're in the same faculty, he is two years older than me, his name is Tay," the guy pulled his hand to Tay’s head and wanted to touch the black hair. But suddenly he stopped in surprised, didn't understanding the reason for the sudden desire.

What else did New know about Tay? For the sixth time this month, New fell asleep in the library over a textbook, this time on social psychology, and when he woke up, he saw Tay's sleeping face.

Tay doesn't have close friends. But New several times noticed how a high school students treat him with drinks and food, greet him and invite to the table to eat. The guy always refuses and eats alone.

Almost every day a girl confesses her love to him, but no one has seen him dating any of them. All university girls are discussing that maybe he already has a loved one. Because sometimes after class, the girl who looks like a model of an expensive magazine is waiting for him near a car. The guy is in the top five students of the University.

And what about New? He is not as smart as this guy, but he is the best in his faculty among the first year students. It's not easy for him. All his achievements, only thanks to hard work, a large number of books and participation in various projects.

What he sees in the mirror every day please him perfectly. A nice guy, maybe not sociable, maybe a little boring, but kind and always ready to help everyone. What his classmates used, often asking him the most difficult tasks.

He never had a girlfriend. No one ever confessed his love for New, his lips didn't know the taste of kiss. And to be honest he never fell in love with anyone.

Because of his passion for learning, he couldn't make any new friends.
New continued communicate only with two close friends - Off and Gun. The guys knew each other almost from birth, so as their parents are friends. Boys of almost the same age spent all their childhood together. It's not surprising that they are now in the same faculty.

Gun was always a spoiled child, the only son of the rich parents who was allowed to do whatever he wanted. He used to speak directly and act without thinking. It doesn't matter who is in front of him his close friend or a school principal.

With his difficult character, he was able to survive until today only thanks to Off, who followed him everywhere and settled the consequences of the actions of his young master. Yes, the young master. In childhood the boys liked to play a game - Gun was the young master, Off was his loyal servant, and New was mom and dad for Gun, changing the status depending on what the boy needed at the moment.

The guys grew up, but the game continues. Now Off asked to consider him not a servant but an assistant to Gun. The position is new, but the duties are the same.

A guy named Tay woke up.

'Damn, I'm here again,' he began to look around, 'hey, useless boy, what are you doing next to me?'

'Me? Nothing. I just fell asleep, and woke up next to you,' the guy pulled back a little, he was frightened by the sleepy, displeased look of this guy.

'Are you stalking me? Do you like me?' the guy brought his face closer to New, looking him straight in the eyes.

'No! Maybe you're following me,' New was happy that today he put on his glasses. Now they were a little protection from the guy's angry gaze.

'Hey, are you stupid? What did you just say?' the guy slapped New on the forehead, 'it's a bullshit! I don't like you!'

New cringed a bit, he didn't want to quarrel with this guy.

The not friendly guy yawned.

'That's the sixth time this month, right? Listen, don't come to the library yet.'

'But, I can't, I have to study,' said New, for him the library was the only place where he could concentrate and study more effectively.

'It was not a request, it was an order, a threat, a demand. I don't want to see you in the library for a month. It's better for you if I don't see you around at all. Do you understand?' the guy tapped New on the shoulder.

'But where will I study? Exams are about to start… ' New didn't give up.

'Hey, it's your problem, don't annoy me... Oh, where is my bag? Where the hell did I leave it today?' the guy jumped out of his chair, scratched his head and run out of the library.

Tay was angry, "What the hell! Fuck! Why did I come to this damn library, and again I see this guy? I don't even remember how I got there. Do I have memory lapses? Last time I was in the library when I was a freshman. About two years ago… Oiii, I need to do something with it. A month ago, I didn't even know about his existence. What is his name? New? The boring nerd, best among the freshmen of our faculty. He has only two close friend. He never dated anyone. He is still a virgin. Haha! He lives alone, near the university. Oh, and why do I need all this information about him? We don't need to know each other. He is completely useless to me ... he is not even a girl with whom I could have fun in bed."

What Tay ordered the guy not to come to the library, it was not just a threat. Tay wanted to finally understand what was going on in his life. Why is he thinking about him more and more … ? He even had to ask some people to find out the information about this not interesting and not attractive guy …

"Oh, why is my heart beating so quickly again? Am I sick? I should probably see a doctor.…"

Tay tried to analyze his actions. He just came to the library, and the younger guy happened to be around him by coincidence, or New lied, and he actually likes Tay.
The guy realized that this situation can no longer be ignored, it was necessary to solve this problem as soon as possible.


Hello everyone! 😉

Thank you all for reading!😘

Next chapter: a difficult relationship between Gun and Off 🤔

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