✧ three | the promise

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you stared directly to you phone, still waiting for his reply. it's been five minutes and yet you're not receiving any of it from him. he must despise you so much for leaving him five years ago. what can you do? you were still young back then, so does he.

throwback to year 2014

it was sunny and at the same time, a windy noon outside. today is your lunch and only a half of an hour is left before the first subject in the afternoon starts. the soccer field is filled with bunch of students playing soccer even they're wearing their usual uniforms and not the p.e type.

chan is happily watching them play. his lips that are curved are evident to know that he's happy from what is he seeing, a thing which made this harder for you.

the lunch time was consumed just by pondering all your decisions. will it be worth it to follow my parents? or should i let them be mad at me and continue what is making me happy?

the bell rang, which means that the classes are about to start. chan stood up from the bench and looked back at you. he lended his hand to you and smile, "let's go." he told you.

you just felt that someone pinched your heart the moment you saw him smile. how can i leave this boy in front of me?


you looked away. "chan, let's end this." right at this moment, you wanna withdraw you words but at the same time, this might be the only right thing that you can make in your relationship. you felt his stare at you but you tried not to mind it.


"let's break up."

"w—why?" his voice cracked.

"because we're too young for this." now, you managed to slowly look at him in the eyes. you were too surprised to see them twinkling like stars but it didn't make you happy, they made you feel even sadder. the fact that chan is holding back his tears is like tearing your heart apart.

"d—did your parents find out?"

i nodded. "yes..."

"can't we just keep this a secret? let's be careful n-next time. j-just don't leave me..."

"i can't lie to my parents, chan..."

"can't you lie for me?"


he bit his lip. "i-i'm sorry... i-i shouldn't have asked that."

"you know that my feelings for you are true, right?" now, you stood up from your seat and went closer to him. you held both of his shoulders. he looked down on his feet and slowly nodded. "yeah."

"let's be together when the right time comes." you urged to smile. he lifted his chin to look up to you and there... you finally saw him smile once again. it might not be the best of his smiles but at least, he did.

"i'll be waiting, y/n, i promise."

you nodded. "thank you for understanding, chan."

then, he wrapped his arms around you, making you flinch a bit. but at the end, you hugged him back as well. it was sad that you didn't know that it was your last hug together. if you only knew, you wish that you could have just hug him a little tighter.

Promise | Bang Chan ✓Where stories live. Discover now