✧ eleven | weird

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the three of you tangled your arms one by one to changbin. you were afraid to be lost to this unfamiliar place.

the room is surrounded with a loud upbeat music. almost of the people in the bar are dancing around, others are just sitting on their perspective seats while sipping on their own drinks. the only lights that serves to lit the place are the three colors that almost blinds your eyes— red, blue and green.

"let's find our seats." changbin told you. all of you agreed and just followed him from behind.

"ah finally!" eunwa rested her back to the couch and closed her eyes. "i think i'd rather sleep in here than to party."

"same..." dahyun brushed herself with her warm hands. "it is so damn cold."

dahyun and eunwa are wearing dress which lengths are just above their knees, these are enough to suit themselves in this place. meanwhile, you are wearing a denim short and a sleeveless top. your boots suits you so well.

"y/n, are you cold?" changbin asked who just sat beside you. you smiled a bit. "a little."

you were surprised when he took of his jacket and reached it to you. "wear this," he said.

dahyun coughed. "didn't i say it first?" she stated but looks like she doesn't want to address it to anyone but you all knew that she is referring to changbin.

"drink an alcohol. that will help you to feel warm." he wiggled his eyebrows.

"tch! come on, dahyun. let's get drinks." eunwa rolled her eyes playfully. changbin just chuckled beside you.

"hey binnie, thanks but how about you?"

he smiled. "don't mind me, i'm okay."

that night, changbin was really acting weird.

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