✧ ten | graduation

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you finally graduated with your batch. everyone was so happy except you. you weakly threw your mortarboard in the air and it just reached a little inches from your head while the others cannot be almost seen from the ground.

"what's with the frowning face?" changbin wrapped his arm around your shoulder. eunwa was the one who answered the question for you. "she's still not over with him."

his face crumpled. "hey! don't drown yourself on him. you're ending up hurting yourself more."

"changbin is right, y/n. forget him." but i don't want to.

"aha, i have an idea!" dahyun rested her chin between the ends of our shoulders (changbin).


"since we graduated today, why don't we have some fun tonight? okay? okay? good?" i shook my head.

"i-i don't wanna go to parties. i haven't try to enter bars before." eunwa hissed. "what do you call to us? me too, y/n. we're just the same."

"right dahyun?" she nodded.

"right changbin?" he smiled awkwardly. "i tried about five times..."

your lips contorted, even the two girls. he scratched the back of his head. "b-but it's been a long time since the last time..." then he glanced at you.

"great! changbin will be our guide, then." she fisted her hands and jumped cutely.


you left your house with a grimace plastered on your face. you didn't think that your parents will not object your friends' permission. they told them that you have to come home before 12 AM. eunwa and dahyun are so happy as they drag you outside of your house.

changbin was sitting in the driver seat when the three of you entered the backseat. his lips contorted as he stares back at you at the rearview mirror. "i didn't agree to this plan just to be your driver," he said.

"alright... alright..." eunwa is about to open the door when changbin stopped her.



"y/n, sit here." then he patted the sit next to him which is the passenger seat. you rolled your eyes. "binnie, i'm sitting between dahyun and eunwa. let eunwa-"

"i don't care. just hop your feet over this and you'll be here."

the three of you exchanged looks. the girls beside you just shrugged. "just do it." dahyun whispered.

you did what changbin said and now you're sitting in front with him. you turned your head to him and he smiled.

"better." he muttered.

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