✧ thirteen | avoid

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few months after that night, you guys decided to have a sleepover in a certain place. at first, all of you are random picking whose house it will gonna be until you all finally came up to a conclusion and decided to just stay at dahyun's.

"aww, come on! it is so boring if we will just stay here until the moon appears." dahyun complained.

"let's just watch some movies!" eunwa exclaimed, clapping her hands like a seal. dahyun rolled her eyes.

"ugh, don't you watch movies at your home?"


"guys... guys... suggest! changbin? y/n? what do you think?"

"uh... c-cooking? i mean its past 4 and we still got no food for dinner."

"oh right!" dahyun hissed. she stood up from the floor and walked into the desk near the door. she picked up her wallet on top of that and took some money. "i got no stock so..." she waved her money in the air. "who wants to buy?"

"not me." eunwa turned her back and started to walk towards the kitchen. dahyun gazed at you and changbin.

she shrugged.


"hey beanie, why are you so quiet today?" you nudges his arm, making him flinch a bit.


"are you okay?" you placed the back of your palm on his neck and to his forehead to check if he got a fever but it seems like his body temperature is fine.

"i-i am not sick, y/n..." he tried to avoid your gaze and just continued walking on the sidewalk.

"are you mad at me?" you asked.


you were taken a back by his sudden shout, even him. "i mean no... i'm not mad at you. i'm just thinking random things, that's why..." you nodded.

the night when he did confess, is that real? or was it just the effect of the drinks we had?

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